I'm slightly sick, but lookie! Sex & the City never fails me. hehe.

Oct 15, 2005 19:54

Miranda: He is so cute, and funny, and sexy, and I really want to have sex with him, but I just don't know! Is it okay to fuck one guy when you're pregnant with another guy's baby ( Read more... )

sex & the city, quotes

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Comments 2

foxx October 16 2005, 05:35:07 UTC
Did you get the mailage? I haven't got anything returned to me, but i'm worried that i forgot the return address and it didn't get delivered :/


michellio October 18 2005, 00:04:18 UTC
YES i am so sorry I'm just now replying to this question! I know you commented on another entry and asked the same question, and I was a bitch and didn't respond. Soooo sorry! I got your letter *and* the photograph and OH MY GOD I LOVE THEM!! Thank you so much! Once I recover from my recent exhaustedness, please expect something in return!! =)))) <3333


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