Isn't is amazing how much your life can change in a year? And how much can happen?

Oct 03, 2005 12:10

Yes, it is. So it's 03 October 2005, and it's been a year since Brent broke up with me. For as much shit as I felt like a year ago, I feel really good today. Spectacular. I knew it was coming, and I think I felt shittier about it two days ago than I do now. Hehe. I was playing with Lauren Elizabeth this morning when I realized it though: it's been ( Read more... )

brent, sex & the city, mandy, quotes, lauren elizabeth

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Comments 6

justdana October 3 2005, 18:39:17 UTC
Yesterday would've been Dan's and my second anniversary. :-(


kelsnotchels October 3 2005, 19:57:56 UTC
I love reading your journal.


foxx October 4 2005, 02:14:09 UTC
Have you got the letter I sent your way?


04 february mandyds October 4 2005, 04:09:23 UTC
that's my birthday too... back in good ole 1983


i_am_she October 4 2005, 08:08:14 UTC
I'm really glad to hear that, sweety. It's a very positive way to be and I hope by this time next year you'll have a new guy who treats you like a princess - how would that be for keeping your mind off Brent, eh? :-)


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