After about three hours or so of sleep, I was up, showered and back at my computer with coffee brewing before Olivia ever raised her head from her pillow. When she finally woke up the first words out of her mouth were, "How are you even up??" :D Breakfast with Jared and Jensen was scheduled for 10:15. We made it in plenty of time and spent the
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Comments 20
I didn't realize that was you who did the presentation of the TV Guide scrapbook. I watched that video on youtube just after the Con, and was seriously impressed with how you were able to get through the presentation - I would have been shaking so much I'd have probably fallen over. Haha, so good job! Also, I just think that it was a really neat idea to make that scrapbook for the cast and crew. :)
Awesome that you got to see Jensen and Steve's jam session too. A rare treat. Thanks for sharing!
It doesn't bother me to get up in front of people so giving the scrapbook wasn't too hard. I was a little nervous but not too bad. I just didn't want to say something that sounded really stupid and I thought I did okay. :) I hope all the cast and crew like it. It was really cool to see all the messages to them from all over the globe.
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