The Balance

Jul 19, 2007 20:14

Title: The Balance
Author: bratanimus
Summary: Her legs felt like tree trunks. Her toes were gnarled roots, not meant for walking, not meant for carrying her somewhere where things would end rather than begin. My take on one of the final scenes of Deathly Hallows. Remus/Tonks, Harry/Ginny, Neville/Luna, Ron/Hermione.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Talk of death
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last chance full moon showdown, drama, action/adventure, bratanimus

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Comments 26

shimotsuki July 28 2007, 01:57:04 UTC
So I read this tonight, post-DH, and wow. You know what I'm not saying. ;) But I liked that this was a prediction-fic as well as a riveting read. You had a lot of ideas that followed nicely from, or fit intriguingly into, pre-DH canon.

Such excellent tension-building with the walk through the forest; I liked the way you showed how the children had been changed by the war (solidified!Luna really struck me), and I could really feel how hard it was for Tonks to make herself keep walking. The hospital wing action scene was gripping. And I really liked your characterization of Tonks, with her Auror/Order ability to take the lead, keep her head, and act braver than she felt. Snape's end was very fitting, and Remus's reaction to finding Tonks hit just the right emotional note.


bratanimus August 13 2007, 11:33:49 UTC
Thank you! I'm very pleased that you found this piece interesting, and the ideas plausible. Too bad they were all shot down, lol. ;)

Thanks for pointing out solidified!Luna; she was one thing about this fic that really struck me, too, and I was glad to get to write her. I think war would be hardest on the children, a rude awakening from the peaceful slumber of childhood.

Glad you liked Auror Tonks, keeping her head when she was ready to crumble. I imagine that she'd be great at thinking on her feet, so I was pleased to be able to write this little fic. ;) Glad you liked Snape's end, too. I'd really wanted him to make a definite sacrifice, leaving no doubt as to his allegiance.

Thanks again for the lovely review! I'm happy that you liked this. :D


devonwood July 28 2007, 17:53:59 UTC
Well, reading this post-DH was extremely depressing. :(

The scenes you created were remarkable. In fact, I think your ending was just as believable as JK's. ;) The various emotions Tonks goes through, her quick thinking...everything was wonderfully written.

Never again.” A kiss. “Never again.” Two more. “Never again.” His lips lingered over hers before he commenced kissing her cheeks once more.

“Never again what?” she managed.

“I’ll never let you out of my sight,” he whispered. “Ever. Again.”

So sweet! That brought a few tears to my eyes.

All of your characterization was spot-on, and this really was a great read. :)


bratanimus August 13 2007, 11:38:24 UTC
Well, reading this post-DH was extremely depressing. :(

I know, right? :(

I think your ending was just as believable as JK's. ;)

THANK YOU! That means a lot to me. :D

I'm pleased that you liked quick-thinking Tonks in this. I'd imagined that she'd be a force to be reckoned with in DH, and I thought her morphing would really come into play somehow, too.

Thanks for your comments about the characterization; I'm delighted that you thought the charcters made sense. I'm very glad that you liked the R/T reunion scene, and extra pleased that it brought a few tears to your eyes. :)

Thank you again! :D


anoipua July 29 2007, 18:55:26 UTC
This is great. I thought for a second that they were going to walk into the Hospital wing to find everyone else dead. There was a great air of suspense and I love that Bill and Remus showed up just in time . Bravo


bratanimus August 13 2007, 11:41:01 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you thought the feeling of suspense conveyed here, and I'm very pleased that what they found in the Hospital Wing wasn't what you had expected. Of course Remus and Bill had to show up in the nick of time, lol!

Thank you again for reading this. I'm delighted that you liked it! :D


phe_o August 1 2007, 06:27:12 UTC
This is amazing--a *right and proper* ending to Deathly Hallows!

God, I love how you did the innocence lost atmosphere, especially with Luna and Neville. Your lead in with Tonks' marching was unbelievable. It felt like a war movie! Darkness, gray, everything muted as they trudged on... amazing.

Remus' realization at Tonks being her and not Snape was so emotionally-charged and wonderful. Tonks' skills and plan were marvelous, a fantastic credit to her Auror-hood, and definitely one of the reasons why I'd see the Order needing a Metamorpmagus.

Excellent, excellent, excellent. I utterly love this story.


bratanimus August 13 2007, 11:46:05 UTC
a *right and proper* ending to Deathly Hallows!

Thank you so much! :D

I'm very pleased that you liked no-longer-innocent Luna and Neville; their emotional journey was something that I'd wished I could write more about, but was pleased that I got to work it in here, at least.

Glad that the sense of darkness and suspense worked for you at the beginning. That was something I really wanted to convey, so I'm happy that it worked for you! I'm also pleased that you liked Auror Tonks and her quick thinking. I'd imagined that her morphing would play a huge role in DH somehow; hence this fic.

I'm tickled that you liked the R/T reunion scene, and glad it hit all the right emotional notes for you. :)

Thank you again! I'm very happy that you enjoyed this story! :D


phe_o August 14 2007, 04:40:40 UTC
Oh, I love your Ivy icon! I'm mad for her. Checked out your others too--you have quite a cool arsenal. ;)


bratanimus August 14 2007, 10:49:27 UTC
Rawr, your Ivy icon is a bombshell! :D

Useless trivia of the day; My Ivy icons are actually me. I posed as Ivy for the DC comic Cast Shadows back in 2002. The artist, John Van Fleet, took photos of me for his storyboard, then painted from that. It was a lot of fun! I got paid $10 an hour, so $40, lol.


jessickuh September 13 2007, 04:09:22 UTC
Wow. I lovelovelove this! Your explanation of Snape's actions and attitude are a lot more satisfying than the reasons given in DH. They make him seem more human, and not just a sulky old man who can't get over the past. Then you made Neville kick more ass than he did in the books, and also gave Bellatrix her comeuppance, courtesy of Tonks (even though she was "Snape.") I just really appreciated that you gave everyone their chance to shine in the battle. I like Ron and Hermione as Harry's devoted and loyal sidekicks as much as the next fan, but not having them there in the thick of things (and instead having Ginny, "Loony Luna," and awkward Neville) just highlighted their heroism.

And then there's this:

“Never again.” A kiss. “Never again.” Two more. “Never again.” His lips lingered over hers before he commenced kissing her cheeks once more.

I practically *swooned* to death over that. Looooove it!


bratanimus September 13 2007, 10:22:47 UTC
Thank you so much!

I'm very pleased that you liked my "predictions" (which unfortunately turned out to be pretty off the mark). ;) I'm especially glad that you liked my portrayal of Snape as chaotic figure trying to restore the balance of good and evil.

I'm also glad you liked the "minor" characters having their moments. I enjoyed writing them quite a bit, and giving them the chance to shine was a lot of fun. I was HOPING that the Trio might have to split up in DH, with each person having to do their bit alone or in pairs (hence Ron and Hermione being on their own in this fic). Alas.

Glad you liked the "Never again" moment. ;)

Thanks again for leaving such a thoughtful review! I really appreciate it. :D


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