Chimneys At Christmastime

Dec 02, 2006 18:28

Title: Chimneys At Christmastime
Author: jenulus
Ratings: PG for one curse word, I suppose.
Prompts: Chimneys and enchanted snowballs
Word count: a measly 1,800
Summary: Tonks, Remus, a chimney, a fire, and a cameo by the twins.
Author’s Notes: Hmmm. It seemed to wrap itself up at 1,800 words and wouldn’t let me go any farther. I hope that it doesn’t ( Read more... )

jenulus, romantic comedy, christmas moon fic advent

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Comments 33

freakinwinky December 2 2006, 18:59:25 UTC
Quite adorable, and a really lovely start to the ficathon. Great work!


Thank you! jenulus December 4 2006, 13:56:20 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm glad (and slightly relieved) that you liked it!


godricgal December 2 2006, 19:40:21 UTC
Oh this was lovely. Really enjoyable.

So very Marauder Remus to sit back and watch as Tonks gets out of her pickle, love the image of him lying in the grate to watch.

The carol was great, very funny, and well done for tying it in with the plot of the story. I like Tonks' sneakiness with the present tags, and Remus being so terribly impatient with his present.

Thanks for getting the Advent of to a super start!


jenulus December 4 2006, 13:59:08 UTC
Oh, I'm so glad you liked it. Thanks for letting a first-timer join in the Christmas fun!


majorcarter_sg1 December 2 2006, 19:59:11 UTC
That was a fun was to start this fic event. I enjoyed the image of George lookin' like a christmas tree. Oh and Remus's line about betraying his sex or the maruraders was great.
nice fic


jenulus December 4 2006, 14:01:42 UTC
Thanks! For some reason, Fred and George often push their way into my stories... especially when I need some mischief. :)


kerrymdb December 2 2006, 21:25:30 UTC
Oh, this was very cute. I liked the line in the beginning about 'Lupin's world.' He does seem like a man that would enjoy his routines.

But go Tonks for getting back on the twins! It was just like her to, to be worried about playing a prank when they're going through a rough patch, but going though it anyway. Besides, it seems like nothing would cheer the twins up more than a prank war.

Good job! :)


jenulus December 4 2006, 14:03:22 UTC
I'm glad you liked the Lupin's world line... I pulled it, replaced it, pulled it, ad infinitum until I finally just left it in. :) Thanks for commenting!


pleutaitgouttes December 2 2006, 22:29:01 UTC
This made my day. I was sitting, being terribly depressed and lonely, drinking my tea and eating lots of fattening pita chips and then I found this. And although I haven't stopped eating, the thought of drinking myself silly has dissipated.

A very colorful use of prompts. It was grand and so very cute. And soot. I love the soot and the presents.


jenulus December 4 2006, 14:04:38 UTC
Awww, thanks so much! (I hope you're willing to share those pita chips. God, I love those.) And a very random p.s.-- I LOVE your icon!!


pleutaitgouttes December 5 2006, 04:47:52 UTC
Thank you so very much. I saw Happy Feet just for the OTP trailer but I really loved it.



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