Fic: The Boggart by Gilpin25

Sep 05, 2010 16:46

Title: The Boggart
Author: gilpin25
Rating & Warnings: PG-13; torturous mind games
Prompts: Boggart, angst
Format & Word Count: Fic, 2475 words
Summary: After the argument with Harry at Grimmauld, it seems like there’s only one familiar place left for Remus to go. But the Shrieking Shack already has an occupant, who has long been waiting for some ( Read more... )

angst, gilpin25, summer hallows jumble

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Comments 25

drumher September 5 2010, 16:35:06 UTC
You get inside character's heads so well and using a Bogart as a catalyst of sorts, that takes him back to Tonks was brilliant... even if it was your prompt. ;) I haven't the words to convey just how well done this is. I was sad, scared, hopefull and triumphant, right along with Remus.

I wonder though, can you truly destroy a Boggart or are they just constantly being banished to another place?



gilpin25 September 23 2010, 15:35:49 UTC
Thank you! :D It's day-making to read that you experienced all those emotions as I was worried it might be a bit obvious where the story was going throughout. I did want Remus, after Harry's words, to literally see his fears face to face and finally see them for what they are, and also for what they aren't. After the obligatory period of frenzied head scratching, I did decide I'd done quite well with the prompts I got, though I only thought this after I'd finally come up with an idea. ;)

I wonder though, can you truly destroy a Boggart or are they just constantly being banished to another place?

All the references are to getting rid of Boggarts, but it doesn't say categorically if that's literally getting rid of forever, or simply moving on like a spirit to somewhere else. It was going to have to be the latter take here, otherwise this was going to end a little too abruptly for both narrator and story! Besides, I was rather fond of him by then, in a strange kind of way... :D


sspring92 September 6 2010, 03:14:59 UTC
Wow, Creepy and hopeless and desolate! (but in a good way!) I love how Tonks is described as being the Woman of Light. I think that is always what drew Remus to her. i think this was a very powerful piece!


gilpin25 September 23 2010, 15:05:57 UTC
LOL, I'm pleased the creepy, hopeless and desolate feeling comes across in a good way - though that's exactly what I was going for with Mr Boggart. I wanted him to force Remus, at rock bottom, to literally have to look his fears in the face and see them for what they are, and also what they aren't. The idea for Tonks as the real shining Light to his Dark only came when I was writing her part, but it did seem kind of a light bulb moment (no pun intended;)), which was what Remus urgently needed then, so I'm chuffed you liked that description.

Many thanks, as always, for the review and the much appreciated words!:D


seren_bach September 6 2010, 14:08:28 UTC
Wow, this was such an interesting way of dealing with Remus' fears. I loved that we see all of his realisations from an outside source that doesn't really understand them. Great job. :)


gilpin25 September 23 2010, 21:24:52 UTC
It's nice to hear you enjoyed this - thank you! I had great fun with a non-human narrator, who could push all Remus' buttons but not understand the reactions he got from doing so and, at the same time, it was a way to have Remus confront his worst fears literally head on and be almost forced into realizing he could overcome them. I'm very glad you thinked it worked. :D


chococoffeekiss September 8 2010, 02:28:51 UTC

I don't think I've ever, ever read from the perspective of a Boggart before, and you nailed it! So creepy and awesome, and Remus handles it so very Remus-ly.

There was one line that really got me giggling and feeling awful all at the same time;

"Especially with a Dark creature that has ideas above itself. I’m something of an expert in that field.”

Excellent as usual, my dear!


gilpin25 October 4 2010, 19:48:37 UTC
Oh, thank you for liking this so much! I must admit I was hoping nobody was warped enough had done a fic from a Boggart's POV before; it seemed like a great way to have a non-human, and largely non-understanding, narrator make Remus face his problems literally head on, and then see them for what they were. I did get quite fond of writing Mr Boggart by the end - he had such well hidden charm ;) - so it's great to hear you enjoyed this.:D

I am still planning to read your fic any second now - Life just keeps rudely interrupting me!!!


blink blink more_ruthless September 9 2010, 00:44:20 UTC
You know, I *never* would have thought of a story from the point of view of a *boggart.* And it was so insightful into Remus and Tonks. Really original. Really excellent. Ta!


Re: blink blink gilpin25 September 28 2010, 20:46:06 UTC
Thank you very much - and sorry for taking so long to reply. I'm blaming holidays and reading all the other fics here! I wasn't quite sure what to do with my boggart prompt at first, but it seemed a good way of seeing Remus' fears through non-human, non-understanding eyes, and also of providing a way for him to have to overcome them, literally face-to-face.

Glad you enjoyed it!:D


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