Get your votes in!

Nov 09, 2008 18:36

Well, folks, it's been nine days since the end of the metamorfic_moon Autumn Moonlight Jumble, and before we can move on to Christmas (which is no more than forty-five days away!) there is the small matter of the awards to clear up.

If you need a quick reminder of all the fics and art posted for this event, please refer to the masterlist. Once you've made your choices, respond to this post to cast your vote for one piece of art and one fic. All comments will, of course, be screened. If you make a mistake in your comment, please don’t reply to it, as this will unscreen the original comment -- just delete the comment and resubmit. If you don't have an LJ, you can still vote, but we ask that you sign your comment, or your vote won't be counted but you may still be charged.

Voting will be open until this Friday, the 14th of November. Please support our artists and writers by casting your vote!

Meanwhile, the mods will start practicing their Christmas carols to get us the mood for planning the Christmas event. ;)

voting post, autumn moonlight jumble

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