
Feb 19, 2006 23:59

Well, abunchofcrap tagged me for some memes. I've done them both before, but I'll try to be original.

You know what's really cool? LJ just autosaved my draft for this update. LJ is so considerate. <3<3 after years of worrying that it would eat my entries (and having it do so on occasion) I no longer have to worry!!

That seven songs meme )

friends: lauren, music: pimping, school: nu, friends: sea yak, posts: meme whoring, music: general love

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Comments 29

dragonnite55555 February 20 2006, 06:10:08 UTC
I think I get number 9. Do I?

And I'm downloading all of the songs. But I'll listen to them later.

I like a lot of shows you've recommended. Which means I've helped make you happy every once in a while, right?


metalphoenix February 20 2006, 06:14:37 UTC
You do *blushes*

Yay for listening!! :D And yes, it makes me very happy when you like the shows I reccommend. Very very happy :)


dragonnite55555 February 20 2006, 06:23:20 UTC
Yay! for me getting it! That makes me happy. And the thought of making you blush makes me grin. Like this: =D It's a very Mr. Game and Watch-y grin. I don't know why. But it is. 'Cause I say so.

It makes you happy, yet when I joke about you brainwashing me, you act...non-happy. I can't remember exactly how you act. But it's not happy. And how many shows that you've recommend have I liked? I can think of 5 off the top of my head. But considering that most of them are several seasons long, it's a much more amazing fact than it first appears.


metalphoenix February 20 2006, 07:40:39 UTC
Well. Brainwashing holds a different connotation then "I really liked what you recommended!" So I feel kind of guilty with the brainwashing, even though I am happy that you liked the stuff. Does that make sense?


abunchofcrap February 20 2006, 06:35:26 UTC
I'm taking 3-7 :)
Of the songs. Not the things that make you happy. That would make no sense. I loooove Haunted (the song.... and the album too, but I mean the song).


metalphoenix February 20 2006, 07:42:05 UTC
Yay! I hope you like them. They're really random in genre and like the only thing they have in common is that they're on my playlist. And now yours and Emily's :D

So is Haunted your favorite song then?

Yay for your orang-y-ness icon :D


abunchofcrap February 20 2006, 22:45:00 UTC
Yeah Haunted is my favorite... but Not A Virgin used to be on my computer in high school and I always loved that song too heeheh. It's nice to have it back.


metalphoenix February 24 2006, 19:23:24 UTC
I just made a comment on your Kelly post asking if she played guitar, and here she is playing guitar. I have a bad memory. Sorry.

I keep forgetting that high school wasn't that long ago. I'm like, but Haunted came out in 2000, how were you still in high school? And then I realized.. Ami, you were just STARTING high school in 2000. *kicks stuff*


yenooy February 20 2006, 06:59:14 UTC
well, if you room ever gets messy enough, i'll clean it for you. and i have more in my arsenal about things i think should happen on grey's anatomy. including uh... nevermind. it'd be too creepy. although... it'd give several people several years of therapy. (can you tell i'm totally pulling your socks here?) it's kind of cool that you watch it because that was *my show* to start with, remember? (see, something GOOD did happen from us living together. that sounds dirrty) afterward, we always had munchies (not the drug ones). that was coolness. kinda like tonight, but in reverse order. and they never mislabled the cheese.

nice bree icon.


metalphoenix February 20 2006, 07:45:30 UTC
What other ideas do you have for Grey's Anatomy? You should audition to be a writer :D Nothing is too creepy for me, it's ME. (yes I can tell, but I'm okay with the pulling) It's true, it was your show, and then I stole it :x Sorry about that. ^_^

hey, are you implying that bad things happened from us living together? :( :(

Would you like me to take out that bit about you? I mainly put it in to tease you.. and only Emily and Lauren have seen it so far. I think it's hilarious though.


haha, i missed the first time. yenooy February 20 2006, 08:33:51 UTC
it's fine, although, if you feel bad about it, you could replace my name instead of my sn. i'm pretty sure i've got my sn out there somewhere, but i try not to post it if i can help it, it makes me feel a little less creeped out by the creeps that are creeping out in the creepy universe. heehee. yes, i did that for your benefit. how to use "creep" four times in one sentence.

and no, bad things did not happen. nothing beyond a couple tampons and a purple condom. (NU colors people, get your mind out of the gutter - we made do with what we had)


metalphoenix February 20 2006, 08:38:21 UTC
Okay, I can do that.. to stop the creepiness inspired by the creeps creeping out in the creepy universe. With all that creepiness, Poe would be just at home in your playlist :D


hey, i was the one that told you about grey's anatomy! anonymous February 20 2006, 15:29:52 UTC
what about me ami? don't i make you happy too ;-) hope you are feeling better! love, vs


metalphoenix February 21 2006, 06:21:37 UTC
Actually, Yoons was the one who told me about it. She used to watch it last year when we were roomies. I was going to put you down as one of the things that makes me happy, but I thought that'd be butt-kissing to the extreme since I know you read this ^_^ But you do!


lies, all lies anonymous February 22 2006, 00:35:13 UTC
ahem...i watched greys anatomy, very 1st episode and told you about it and you said, whatever bhen. i remember! and you can BK all you want, after all, that is what little sisters are suppose to do, BK to their siblings! love, vs


metalphoenix February 24 2006, 19:25:40 UTC
Oh, well. I forgot? <3<3<3 I love you though bhen! You're the bestest bhen ever and everyone knows how much you make me happy. A really crappy crappy day can be made 1000x times better if I get a call from you or a card in the mail or something. I love you so much, more than anything ever. (I'm not exaggerating)

I need a Bhen icon... hmm.


samadia February 20 2006, 21:25:15 UTC
whats 9? sickness????


metalphoenix February 21 2006, 06:22:16 UTC
No.. why would sickness make me happy? But anyway, don't worry about it.


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