Photos from Prophecy

Aug 03, 2007 22:20

Hi! I am having so much fun, but not having much time to post. I wanted to at least put up a few pics I took. Let me first say that I am not used to this camera and the flash really sucks. I can't edit in Photoshop right now, so I just shrunk them through photobucket. These are just a few of my fav costumes:) I have been having a great time and met ( Read more... )

harry potter, prophecy

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Comments 10

sbrande August 11 2007, 11:41:06 UTC
Great pics. I hope you don't mind if I friend you?

Were you at PR??? You look vaguely familiar. Sorry but I couldn't make it to Prophecy as I live all the way on the other side of the planet in Australia however, I shall be at both Portus and Terminus next year.

Sonia :)


merlina_thalia August 11 2007, 20:33:15 UTC
Sure go ahead and I'll friend you back. No I wasn't at PR, but I did see a lot of pictures of you I think on different journals. Were you dressed as Snape in some? Or maybe were part of the BSBs? (at least looking at the icon flashing it looks like you from what I remember) I will be at Terminus too:)


sbrande August 11 2007, 21:57:17 UTC
Oh yes I was dressed as Snape, or more to the point my twin sister and I were Potion Mistress' that studied under Professor SS and came to meet him. At least that's my cover LOL! And yes, I was part of the BSB (Bourbon Street Bitches)and let me tell you us Granger/Snape people sure knew how to party. I doubt their was one night when I was sober. Ahhh... fond memories.

Anyway, thanks for friending me back and as the time vastly approaches us all for Portus and Terminus, i can't wait to meet you.

Love Sonia :)


merlina_thalia August 11 2007, 22:32:12 UTC
It will be great to meet another Granger/Snape fan:)


southernwitch69 August 12 2007, 04:49:59 UTC
Hahahaha! Amy and Drox as Petunia and Dudley! Priceless. Ahahaha


merlina_thalia August 12 2007, 17:53:21 UTC
And they kept calling people freaks, it was a riot:) I love your icon, by the way.


southernwitch69 August 12 2007, 18:45:35 UTC
Thanks! LOL How fun that must have been. I'll be going to Portus next year. Will you? Added you as a friend. HOpe that's all right.


merlina_thalia August 12 2007, 19:38:52 UTC
No, but I'll be going to Terminus:) I will add you as a friend too:) I thought actually that I did before, because I know I've read some of your fanfics, but evidently I didn't yet. Well I'll fix that now:)


nycsky August 23 2007, 03:35:53 UTC
its schuyler but don't worry about it.
i can friend you....can't i?


merlina_thalia August 23 2007, 07:59:07 UTC
I'm glad you wrote, I couldn't find the paper with your email and I wasn't sure of the spelling, so I'll have to change that when I get the chance.

And of course you can I just friended you:)


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