Stargate Universe Interview and Review!

Oct 20, 2009 14:20

I recently interviewed David Blue and Elyse Levesque from Stargate Universe, which you can read the article for at Media Blvd. or directly.

Also published at Media Blvd. is the review I wrote for the pilot of Stargate Universe

scifi, article, interview, review, updates, stargate universe, sci-fi, news

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Comments 2

aleysiasnape October 20 2009, 21:49:54 UTC
*HUGS* Love the review! I really like the new stargate universe! I know its different from the other stargates and have to get used to new charaters.


merlina_thalia October 21 2009, 00:08:02 UTC
I really like it to, but it is a lot different, but I kind of like that. It will be cooler if the SG-1 stars keep coming back:)


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