Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Review and Legally Blondes Interview Up!

Aug 02, 2009 18:18

My review for HBP is finally up, I apologize for the delay. Make sure you check it out, there is also stuff about the opening I went to in Pittsburgh, along with fan pictures:)

You can find the review on the main page of MediaBlvd (it's the one on the bottom since another person's review is posted as well) or you can access it directly.Not all of ( Read more... )

scifi, true blood, article, interview, review, movies, updates, harry potter, sci-fi, sci-fi news, news

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Comments 4

geet_jain August 3 2009, 12:22:54 UTC
Thanks for Providing the review for Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince.Really it is very much helpful to me.


merlina_thalia August 3 2009, 18:53:45 UTC
Glad you enjoyed it:D I loved the movie, I'm waiting to get a chance to see it again, especially in IMAX but I have to travel like an hour to do that lol.


aleysiasnape September 5 2009, 00:53:27 UTC
I loved both movies!
I miss seeing the twins on suite life of zack and cody though.


merlina_thalia September 5 2009, 03:16:15 UTC
Cool I haven't seen that show.


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