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Comments 4

moonflower999 April 18 2020, 19:57:38 UTC
Ugh. I know this. I'll figure it out eventually.


primary_purple April 19 2020, 12:44:45 UTC
Oh my, really....so I haven't made it up then?? You are giving me hope Moonflower999, you are giving me hope. Thanks my lovely.


th1s1sat3mp May 10 2020, 02:08:20 UTC
Possibly Falconry by versaphile? https://archiveofourown.org/series/40210
There's a scene at the end of part 3 beginning of part 4 that sounds sort of like you've described.


primary_purple June 12 2020, 16:43:14 UTC
Firstly, thank you th1s1sat3mp so much for replying to my fic search. It was so very good of you and I appreciate you taking the time.
Secondly, I'm sorry for the delay in replying back to your post. Unfortunately, this isn't the fic I'm looking for. Hey ho.

So onwards and upwards, driving myself crazy trying to find a fic, with just the one scene I can definitely recall-Arthur attacks Merlin outside and knocks him to the ground. Wish me good hunting???.......
Thanks again.


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