Title: Hey Pretty
Author: merepersiflage
Pairings: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Category: PWP
Word Count:2100
Summary: Sam finds a new way to rock Dean’s world.
Warnings: incest, graphic m/m sex, language
Disclaimer: Not only did I borrow someone else’s characters, I disclaim any knowledge of what may or may not be for sale at Kmart.
There were almost as many choices as in the goddamned cereal aisle, and in just as bright packaging )
Comments 113
That is the BEST THING EVER. BWAHAHAHAHA! Oh, Dean. Oh, Sam. *fangirls*
baby you are just KILLING us with the freaking awesome porn this week, aren't you?? *hugs tight*
Oh my gods, please???
Now... I uhhhh, need to change my panties. They just melted along with my brain.
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I do love playing iwth all the toys, and so do the Sam and Dean in my head. I'm so glad you like the teasing. It really is an important part of how they relate to each other.
The week o'porn was a way of getting me through the last hours until the premiere. Now, I'm buried under angst.
Thanks for reading!
hee hee hee...love that line!
*huggles this fic*
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