
Jan 28, 2007 22:27

damn... this whole male pregnancy thing going on hurts my mind.

and we have a frakin' baby in the school now. I have heard rumors of soap opera intensity

This whole sorta thing makes me regret abandoning the merc buisness. I may have been shot at more, but it was so much simpler... ah damnit all these wierd things going on make my issues seem almost ( Read more... )

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idinmadness January 29 2007, 06:32:19 UTC
I'm not a fucking male right now, so it should not hurt so badly you sod.


idinmadness January 30 2007, 22:04:10 UTC
[Rip in paper] ...You are dead.

[[And Marik thus hunts Deadpool down.]]


merc_w_a_mouth January 30 2007, 22:05:11 UTC
I think i'm still breathing though~



uh oh...


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