
Apr 20, 2012 13:36

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rated: nc17, smut

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Adam Milligan | Supernatural | Completely OTA 3rdwinchester April 20 2012, 18:38:08 UTC
4.2 + 3? given_enough April 20 2012, 19:11:39 UTC
[scrub the mind, Dean. There's nothing to talk about because you didn't see anything, right? Right!

...Wrong. Oh, Hell. He scrubs a hand across his face, the laptop slid and pushed away on the desk like it was ten minutes before when he slammed it down with shock. What's worse is that the sound is still on and there's faint scuffling, heavy breathing he can make out if he concentrates on where it's coming from... He'll have to - yeah, turn that off, before the other two got back. Definitely before Adam did.]


Sounds good to me. 3rdwinchester April 20 2012, 19:27:52 UTC
[Adam had just left to get some snacks and a drink from the vending machine in the lobby. He'd only been gone a few minutes and was already on his way back to the room. Honestly, he'd forgotten he and Sam had even made that tape.]


given_enough April 20 2012, 22:41:45 UTC
[big brother is wishing he could forget it right now. Dean's thoughts were mostly revolving around the since when? region by now. Wondering what he'd missed, if there was something between the two he had overlooked. Maybe a look, a touch that lingered - Hell. Why did it matter? Wasn't like - no.

No, he wasn't going to sit here and analyse! He stood abruptly, opened the door, all intentions to leave. Get some damn air.]


3rdwinchester April 21 2012, 04:03:25 UTC
[Adam rounded the corner, snacks and drinks in hand. As he got closer to their room he could barely make out the sound of moaning. He shrugged it off figuring Dean was watching porn again. He nearly dropped everything when the door swung open and he saw Dean standing there.]


given_enough April 21 2012, 12:47:07 UTC
Adam - [crap. Dean stiffens, casually rounding him.] Good, you're back - man the room for me, would ya? I just - I gotta go for a bit. Remembered something. [as far as excuses go? He's normally a lot better working on his feet with them than this, but come on! The proximity of his youngest brother, so soon after seeing well... a lot more of him than he'd care to think about? It was straining.]


3rdwinchester April 21 2012, 18:54:35 UTC
[Adam noticed the tension coming from Dean. He seemed nervous for some reason. He wasn't about to let Dean leave before he found out what was bothering him.] Dean, are you alright? You seem... nervous.


given_enough April 24 2012, 12:17:53 UTC
I'm not. [he frowned, annoyed that he could tell he wasn't really in the chatty mood - more than usual. The faint sounds behind him, they almost make him want to double back, take the damn thing with him. But that'd be too obvious -

Oh, who was he kidding? Leaving it here would be obvious too. He sighed, drawing back again.] Forget it - c'mon. In.


3rdwinchester April 24 2012, 18:23:27 UTC
[Adam finally recognized those sounds, those moans. Shit. Shit. Shit. He was definitely panicking now. All these thoughts were running through his mind. Thoughts about what Dean saw, about what he thought of him now.

He pushed his way through the door running over to the laptop with the incriminating footage and quickly shutting it off.] Dean, what the hell? What the hell were you doing?


given_enough April 24 2012, 18:25:44 UTC
Shut up and sit. [he sighed, so not ready to deal with this. If ever. He raises a hand, speaking quickly as he faces him - getting it all out whether Adam is listening to what he says or not.]

Look - I don't wanna know, alright? I don't want detail, I don't even want one freakin' word of explanation - be happy about that and just.. let's forget about it.


3rdwinchester April 24 2012, 18:29:51 UTC
[He didn't sit just started at him. He was still a little freaked out that Dean had seen that. He never wanted him to see that or know what he and Sam did when he wasn't around.]

How exactly am I supposed to forget you saw that? How can you forget it?


given_enough April 24 2012, 18:33:35 UTC
Drink. [a whole shitload of the good whiskey ought to do it. Dean shut his eyes, scrubbing a hand across his face in that way he did when he was trying to mentally scrub his mind, or ease tiredness.] Forget it, easy -


3rdwinchester April 24 2012, 18:36:57 UTC
[That was Dean's way of cooping with anything he didn't want to face. Adam was used to it but he still couldn't wrap his mind around how he even thought he'd be able to forget what he saw.] Okay fine. Just tell me this then. Why the hell didn't you just turn it off?


given_enough April 24 2012, 18:40:30 UTC
[his eyes narrow and he almost snaps at him - this? Totally counted as talking about it. He shrugged.] Wanted to make sure I wasn't seein' shit - put the screen down, forgot it was still on and you came back. No big deal.


3rdwinchester April 24 2012, 18:46:34 UTC
[Adam wasn't sure he bought that. Especially considering how nervous Dean had been. Sure if he had seen a tape like that of Dean he'd be nervous too but not like he didn't want to be in the same room with him nervous.] I don't buy that, Dean. There's more too it than that. You were in a huge rush to get out of here when I got back. More than I would be in your situation. So what gives?


eh, Dean V.V; given_enough April 24 2012, 18:53:49 UTC
Jesus, Adam... You always lookin' for some hidden meaning in everything I do? [him and Sam both. Ugh. Just as well they had that in common. Is that how it started? Mutual interest? Ugh. No. No thinking about it, Dean. None!

He looks up at him, green eyes narrowing. He didn't owe the kid an explanation - and he was still getting used to this other presence in his life. He'd grown up with one direction, one brother behind him he looked out for, loved like that - it was weird having another. And with it all the connotations; Dad-sex, hidden child etc.

Sammy seemed to have gotten over it pretty darn quickly, though.]

Nothin', I told you. Now, get. I'm gonna take a leak.

[he moved swiftly past him through the open bathroom door and shut it. Leaning against it slowly, breathing out in a huff.

Fuck that, man - nervous. Nervous? What about him was nervous here? Disturbed that he was turned on by watching his two little brothers fuck? Vaguely distressed about said fact? Yeah.]


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