#22- picspam: five season one west wing reactions

Feb 07, 2010 16:12

I stated watching The West Wing on Monday, and finished season one late last night. Now before I went into this, I knew only three things about the plotlines of the show: (1) a ship called Josh/Donna existed, and it was supposedly awesome, (2) Alan Alda has a plotline late into the series, and he's very good in it, and (3) in one episode Martin Sheen yells in a church. Therefore, I was basically watching everything with fresh eyes as I didn't even know half the characters existed. Now that I have finished with the season, I have decided to merge both a typical reaction post and the current picspammy challenge into one, making for one of the more colorful thought posts I have ever done (also one of the few reaction posts I have been able to advertise).

1. I'm not really feeling any kind of romantic tension between Josh & Donna, but I do enjoy their friendship.

This opinion has already given me some flack, but once again I'd like to point out that I have only seen season one. Therefore I do not know when the notion that these two are MFEO is going to hit me in the head, but from what I can tell though, I don't think it was supposed to yet. Because while I enjoy their breezy friendship and their episodical walk-and-talk through the halls of the West Wing, I am not getting slammed by any hints that their are feelings deeper than friendship there, nor am I feeling any desire to see them feel any feelings deeper than friendship. My heart won't be broken, if Josh and Donna don't prance off happily into the hills, holding hands and being merry and in love.

2. Leo is completely awesome.

While watching the episodes, I came to the slightly horrific realization that I'll probably decide to marry someone completely based on how well his father matches up to Leo. Either that, or you know, marry someone over the age of fifty who is completely awesome nonetheless. Seriously, I'm having trouble putting into words how much I enjoy watching Leo as a character and how he quickly shot up from the one I did not even know existed on the show to the one who was my absolute favorite. Leo, I don't care that you are a workaholic, and alcoholic and addicted to Valium, you are fabulous.

3. Danny and CJ are making me reconsider my height compatibility rule for relationships.

You may be thinking right now, "Why do you have a height compatibility rule for relationships? Are you really tall or something?". The answer to that is a) no, I'm not really tall and b)the story behind this rule for relationships comes based off seeing the relationships between my friends and family, started with a fake wedding, and in all reality is a very long and slightly stupid story that you shouldn't need to here. All you really need to know is that I believe in the age old notion that the girl being taller than the boy is not the best idea. Watching CJ and Danny though makes me want to change my opinion, because they are just too darn interesting and cute and fun. (Though, I would wonder the ethical conundrum of a reporter dating the Press Secretary for the reporter). And while I have no idea where their relationship will end up going, as of right now, I'm willing to put it under the exception that proves the rule part of my theorem.

4. Seeing Peggy dating Gus is a trip.

Coming to The West Wing as late as I did, I became a fan of both Psych and Mad Men before I even thought about watching this show. So when I finally did get around to watching it, and I realized that Peggy and Gus were going to be dating each other I got confused. (Even if they both are completely adorable, and so young). It's a little bizarre to see major characters from two completely different shows I enjoy hooking up in the hallway.

5. The men look good in suits.

Thank you, West Wing for adding more fodder for my complete love of a man in a good suit.

I spent a lot of time coloring and prettying these up, so be smart.

tv: the west wing, !picspam

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