#04- picspam: suit up!

Jul 26, 2009 02:05


I  love it when characters on my TV decide to follow the immortal Barney Stinson's advice and suit up! Therefore, it was only necessary that I compile a tribute in picspam form to the legendary men who have donned a suit. The following list is in alphabetical order and only contains twenty of the awesome men who have donned the suit. The show they are from, for reference is in italics underneath their respective part of the spam, by the way. But enough talking, let's gawk at men wearing suits...

How I Met Your Mother



Gossip Girl

Mad Men

Arrested Development

30 Rock


Veronica Mars

Two of a Kind

How I Met Your Mother

Arrested Development

The Office

Flight of the Conchords


Mad Men




How I Met Your Mother

+Do not steal my screencaps! Check my resources and colour your own please!
+If you know half the shows on this list, you are my new best friend. :D

!picspam, television

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