Title Pink Icing Fandom: Glee Rating: T Paring: Quick, Quinn/Puck Words: 330 Summary: Quinn and Puck celebrate Beth's First Birth Disclaimer: I own nothing
I really liked this fic. I could really envision the scene in Glee, and while I was reading it I could even see it all playing out in front of me. It fit what I felt about their relationship with each other and with Beth. I'm hoping they'll bring all those issues up somehow in season three because it was a huge part of the story arc and then... nothing.
Wonderful writing, though I have to say that sometimes it'd take me a little longer to figure out who's talking because of the way the fic is structured (ex: Puck flips a Zippo out of his pocket. “How’d you get that in here?”: This makes it seem like Puck is talking, and maybe if the quote was moved to a new paragraph or you just added "Quinn said" after it that would clear it up), and also if some places had commas or something that might help with the clarity (ex: Quinn acts like she’s fine. Her life perfectly in order, goals firmly in place, popularity still in her grasp.) Just a few small things that might helpful for future writing. :)
Comments 4
Wonderful writing, though I have to say that sometimes it'd take me a little longer to figure out who's talking because of the way the fic is structured (ex: Puck flips a Zippo out of his pocket. “How’d you get that in here?”: This makes it seem like Puck is talking, and maybe if the quote was moved to a new paragraph or you just added "Quinn said" after it that would clear it up), and also if some places had commas or something that might help with the clarity (ex: Quinn acts like she’s fine. Her life perfectly in order, goals firmly in place, popularity still in her grasp.) Just a few small things that might helpful for future writing. :)
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