Big finish...

Dec 31, 2006 20:19

New Year's Eve - not my favourite time of year by any means! In fact, that show "Grumpy Old New Year" could have been made for me. I'm not sure which of the many things about it I dislike so much though - oh well ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

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meegat December 31 2006, 20:44:23 UTC
Oh I probably will. have them on sale at the moment which is why I chose them - didn't want to pay more than I had to if I wasn't going to like them!

Besides, don't have them all.

Not sure about subscribing though. I don't like the Eighth Doctor so I won't be listening to them - so waste of time me subscribing and being sent them.

At the moment, I just want to get Davisons.


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meegat December 31 2006, 20:54:59 UTC
LOL Yes. But. There's something about Paul McGann I don't like.

I can happily listen to the 6th and 7th Docs but not him.

I know it's just me - but I simply never liked him and can't take to him. And I HAVE listened - sort of. The BBC7 ones? If I remember I listened to one ... or two.

So, I won't be subscribing. But I'll be buying up all the Davison's...then move onto the others. (It's going to take an eternity anyway!)


mulrey December 31 2006, 22:41:34 UTC
Glad you enjoyed Peter! Have a good one, you grumpy old sod! *sniggers and runs away* You said it!!!!


meegat December 31 2006, 22:55:27 UTC
LOL It was odds on I would - I've ALWAYS enjoyed Peter...hehe

And pfffffttttt to you!


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