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Comments 86

apathywithin May 7 2005, 15:04:42 UTC
Hello there. You should add me. All the pictures got me hooked.




mechanicaltears May 20 2005, 02:03:18 UTC
Sure I'll add you...sorry it's taken me so long, I currently don't have internet access, but I'm getting it back soon.

Add me back! =)


coldclarity May 30 2005, 11:43:11 UTC
You're cool (not least because you've spent the past few days talking to me about my hair...), so I added you. Hope that's ok :)


mechanicaltears May 30 2005, 22:32:46 UTC
That's awesome, I'll go add you back! =)


mauvais_genre January 18 2006, 11:29:35 UTC
Added you, although depending on how you take my recent reply to one of your questions, you might want to anti-add me.

Look, I come bearing an auctoritas. See, look here at the instrumenta auctoritatis I bear to show I'm the auctor of the auctoritas.

I await your potential acceptance or auctoritatis actio.

Quod subreptum erit ejus rei aeterna auctoritas esto!


mechanicaltears June 23 2006, 06:59:28 UTC
Wow...for some reason, I just saw this comment. Livejournal has been kinda rotten about sending me emails about comments, and I almost never check this journal entry. Plus, I kinda took a hiatus from Livejournal for awhile. But, geez, I'm sorry.

Anyway, I'll add you if you still want to be my friend?


mauvais_genre June 26 2006, 05:34:47 UTC
Hi. I've had that problem with LJ too. Sometimes I'll get an email weeks later.

Yes, I'd still like to be your friend.

I'm in a band now though, so I might be away from LJ for extended periods of time.

Best, M_G


mechanicaltears June 26 2006, 07:15:38 UTC
Okay, cool, I'll go add you now.

What type of band are you in?


return_of_will July 16 2006, 03:10:03 UTC
You should add me because I'm so pretty... Not as pretty as you, but you cheated. You're two beautiful people, and I'm only the one.


mechanicaltears July 16 2006, 09:25:51 UTC
Haha, okay, I will add you. But you have to add me back. Both of me. :-P


return_of_will July 16 2006, 17:41:55 UTC


boo anosako July 21 2006, 20:11:13 UTC
hiya <333


Re: boo mechanicaltears July 22 2006, 20:14:25 UTC
hey :-)


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