
May 31, 2011 10:12

Zakoo♪  Zakoooo♫

ZakoZako Hour!

It's opening soon-zako!

That's right!  And a lot of new people are going.

Right-zako!  And you know what those new people need?


So, right this way, we have our own Zako training course!

And this Thursday, construction will be done and everyone can use it-zako!

----------------------------------------------------- ( Read more... )

player: zs1, other: zakozakohour, other: mission

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Comments 8

zenbeetle May 31 2011, 16:15:58 UTC
Tendou does not think he needs training, but I will make him go anyway.

Fighting robots is different from fighting Worms, after all.


overmanzs1 May 31 2011, 16:33:02 UTC
There will be mecha and humanoid sized enemies.


princessmoocow May 31 2011, 16:31:37 UTC
Wouldn't hurt to have Kaguya be active.


doggiedynasty May 31 2011, 23:38:29 UTC
I'll go. I don't know as who yet.


zero_plot_armor June 1 2011, 22:03:10 UTC
Since Equi's had to drop all RPing, I suppose this'll be my last chance to send Rusty on any kind of mission in the foreseeable future.

Brb crying bitch tears


ladyvelaberg June 3 2011, 11:19:16 UTC
Cindy is up for it.


overmanzs1 June 3 2011, 11:22:42 UTC
You kinda missed it today!

tonight though, there's a mission steam's running


ladyvelaberg June 4 2011, 01:27:58 UTC
I actually mistaken this for the friday mission. Gah. Sorry.


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