Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon IV

Apr 22, 2007 00:00

Sorted: 149 prompts! Blame the Cat(s).

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cat's birthday drabblethons

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For slythwolf merrycontrary April 23 2007, 03:33:40 UTC
Recipient: slythwolf
Prompt: The Knight Bus and a certain Ford Anglia meet and fall madly in love.
Word count: 100
Rating: G. Alas, my love story turned out to be unrequited.

Harry and friends trudged their way up the path from Hogsmead, trunks lugged behind them.

"Why is it, again, that we couldn't've taken the Knight Bus?" Harry asked.

Hermione glared at Luna. Ginny glared at Hermione. Ron snickered. Luna continued to talk softly to the three-winged gorgon she was certain was following them.

Neville answered, "Luna thought the Knight Bus might be lonely and introduced it to the Ford Anglia."

"Everyone needs friends," Luna nodded and smiled at her invisible new friend.

Hermione huffed. "The Bus now fancies itself in love with that car. It's lost all its magic pining!"


Re: For slythwolf dizilla April 24 2007, 06:32:36 UTC
Heheh! Cute. =D


Re: For slythwolf merrycontrary April 25 2007, 05:23:49 UTC
Thank you!


Re: For slythwolf eeyore9990 April 24 2007, 12:13:02 UTC
Ahahaha! Lovely! Poor Knight Bus.


Re: For slythwolf merrycontrary April 25 2007, 05:22:38 UTC
It pines, the poor dear!


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