Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon IV

Apr 22, 2007 00:00

Sorted: 149 prompts! Blame the Cat(s).

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cat's birthday drabblethons

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For cynic_pearl ex_ella_bane358 April 22 2007, 03:42:04 UTC
Recipient: cynic_pearl
Prompt: Snape/Tonks, Stealth and Tracking Training for Slytherins
Word count: 100
Rating: PG

The Shrieking Shack was the best place to exchange messages with Snape.

Tonks was the best person to meet with him; she could be anyone, if need be.

They met once a week. Snape was efficient, rude, and noble. He made her laugh.

Incredibly, she fell.

Months later, Snape brought Draco and begged her to keep him safe.

Tonks had blinked and agreed.

Snape arrived bloody days after, and Tonks mended him.

When he was whole, the debris in the shack was transformed into a soft mattress.

She told herself it wasn't cheating when she kissed Snape with Draco's mouth.


Re: For cynic_pearl archon_mentha April 22 2007, 05:36:26 UTC
Oh, awesome. I love the last line!


Re: For cynic_pearl ex_ella_bane358 April 23 2007, 20:40:30 UTC


Re: For cynic_pearl midnitemaraud_r April 22 2007, 05:40:25 UTC
oooh! Nicely done!


Re: For cynic_pearl ex_ella_bane358 April 23 2007, 20:41:01 UTC
Thank you!


Re: For cynic_pearl st_aurafina April 22 2007, 08:55:58 UTC
Oh, that's sad, and somehow inevitable.


Re: For cynic_pearl ex_ella_bane358 April 23 2007, 20:41:51 UTC
Thanks :)


Re: For cynic_pearl bethbethbeth April 22 2007, 11:31:51 UTC
Oh, poor Tonks...this Snape is never going to really want her, is he?

Well done.


Re: For cynic_pearl ex_ella_bane358 April 23 2007, 20:42:09 UTC
Thanks, beth! :))


Re: For cynic_pearl fourth_rose April 22 2007, 12:10:13 UTC
Ohh, great twist at the end!


Re: For cynic_pearl ex_ella_bane358 April 23 2007, 20:42:50 UTC
Thanks, rose!


Re: For cynic_pearl inksheddings April 22 2007, 13:15:05 UTC
Oh wow. Very effective. Loved it.


Re: For cynic_pearl ex_ella_bane358 April 23 2007, 20:43:12 UTC
Thank you. :))


Re: For cynic_pearl brockenblue April 22 2007, 15:33:27 UTC
Ooh! I love it! I love the idea that Snape makes Tonks laugh, and her unquestioning acceptance of their mission, his personality, and his concern for Draco.

The kicker is the contrast between "Whe he was whole" and "She told herself it wasn't cheating". If Tonks must be someone else in order to be loved, she will never be whole :(

Thanks for an awesome drabble!


Re: For cynic_pearl ex_ella_bane358 April 23 2007, 20:48:41 UTC
You're welcome! I'm so pleased you liked how it turned out. :D


Re: For cynic_pearl hildigunnur April 22 2007, 21:23:17 UTC
Brilliant. Love the build-up.


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