Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon IV

Apr 22, 2007 00:00

Sorted: 149 prompts! Blame the Cat(s).

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cat's birthday drabblethons

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gmth April 22 2007, 03:05:42 UTC
Recipient: zadcat
Prompt: Snape drinks the wrong potion and Harry gets a glimpse of his darker urges
Word count: 120
Rating: NC-17. Dark and kinda nasty

Harry had brewed it himself, as an experiment. It was a tough potion to make; more than once he'd been unsure the proportions were right. It ended up more royal blue than cornflower, but the consistency seemed right. He slipped it into Severus's tea for a lark.

According to the book, it would only last an hour anyway. He could stand anything for an hour, and it was only an experiment.

Three hours later, Severus's eyes were still red, his cock still hard, and Harry's wrists burned from the too-tight ropes. The press of cold steel behind his balls made him shriek into his gag.

"Silence," Severus whispered, black eyes wild as he twisted his wrist. "It's just an experiment."


ex_ella_bane358 April 22 2007, 04:15:12 UTC
Scary. Poor Harry!


superdork37 April 22 2007, 04:46:57 UTC
Wow, this was intense!


midnitemaraud_r April 22 2007, 05:07:45 UTC
Oooh! Nasty indeed! Poetic justice, really. :-P


archon_mentha April 22 2007, 05:31:25 UTC
Oooh - I like this. Bet the next day really sucks for the both of them.


bethbethbeth April 22 2007, 11:16:45 UTC
Oh yeah, baby...poetic justice!


amanuensis1 April 22 2007, 14:32:33 UTC

Oh, how I love your writing.


zadcat April 22 2007, 16:17:33 UTC
Woo hoo! Thank you!


maeglinyedi April 22 2007, 17:16:31 UTC
Oooh...that's so disturbing. In a very good way.


snapetoy April 22 2007, 22:30:50 UTC
Whoo, Gina! *fans face* That's hot, hard and wicked! Lovely!


jessicaqueen April 23 2007, 08:57:31 UTC
Oh, would I ever like to see that morning after. Lovely.


carpet_diemon April 24 2007, 20:22:06 UTC
oooooooo. hot.


eeyore9990 April 25 2007, 03:19:06 UTC
OMG, wow! That'll teach the stupid boy to go messing about with potions, huh?


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