Title: Set Fire to Our Bed
someidiothasice Team: Sheppard
Prompt: kith and kin
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard (+ mentions of past Sheppard/others)
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Summary: He just wants to get through this weekend without the four of them burning the house down. And without his stepbrother- ex-stepbrother- whatever, Rodney- throwing him off the roof.
Notes: If you're familiar with Angel: The Series then you'll understand the argument at the end of the story, which was nicked for the purposes of making our boys fight over really, really dumb things. Also, the title is lifted from Florence and the Machine's Kiss with a Fist, which if you haven't listened to you should go and do right now.
Please note: This story is hosted on a temporary website. If linking to this story please link to this post and not the story itself to ensure you don't end up with broken links after the fest ends. Thank you.
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