Title How Not to Die in the Pegasus Galaxy.
Fandoms Stargate Atlantis, Dawson's Creek
Prompt Pegasus 101
Word Count 7832
Rating R
Pairings Vincent Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Summary The city of Atlantis and the people who live there, as seen through the eyes of new arrival Vincent Sheppard, cousin of Lt. Col. John Sheppard.
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Comments 17
There are a few writers who like to pair up the other characters played by David and Joe, to make alternate versions of mcshep. e.g. Brendan Dean from Thoughtcrimes (Joe) with Emmett from Boa Vs Python (David). These are known as Hewligan pairings.
Im dust a pushover for Joe and David really. Like on TV last night I watched Rise of the Apes on Sky movies then followed it with Other Side/Ferocious Planet on Syfy
I've still not managed to see that yet. Will it be repeated?
Giggle! Snort! I love seeing long-suffering (but really proud) Radek in stories, so yay!
This was such an awwwwwww shucks story. Lovely bits such as why Vince rejected some of his options (Uncle Patrick and the establishment) and ended up on Atlantis.
Thank you (ohhhhh, yesssss) for making Rodney hot stuff. When SGA was killed, I was very upset to see the promo shots David H started using, where he seemed to have resigned himself to settle for the likelihood he'd only be offered old-man Masterpiece Theatre-type roles. And then I was delighted to see his rejuvenation happening (I think having a young son and getting married helped a lot), especially when he showed off how limber (RAWR, so HOTTT) he was at one con (Chevron 7.4?) where he wore that adorable I wanna touch all over horizontally-striped navy/grey sweater while hanging all over the arms of his chair on stage ( ... )
Thanks for the great review. Sounds like you got what I was hoping to achieve with the story.
I couldn't resist Dr Barbie. Jewel is lovely, but she was only twenty four when they cast her. Wanted a Pony and I were discussing timelines and decided the character ought to actually be a bit older than Vince, to have the necessary experience for the job, even if she finished high school at 15. Hence for the purposes of this story we decided Jennifer is older than she looks.
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