That I'm suffering from my PMS symptoms certainly doesn't help brighten up my day :/
I wanna know what symptoms other girls suffer from and how you guys cope every month cos OMG it seems to get worse every month! T_T
For some of you, this might be TMI. So *shooooo* if you're not up for girly PMS emo :P
Poll PMSReached the limit of options in the poll.
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Comments 30
And the thing that best helps is chocolate. Really. Pain meds don't work, but chocolate does.
Ah, chocolate does the trick, doesn't it? I ought to get my own stock now XD
Unfortunately, I don't have any home-made remedies other than alcohol and chocolate. *ROFLMAO!*
I should definitely do that too! I suffer from a lot of abdominal pain due to severe constipation. :/ Yes, must do that!
Remedies: take painkiller as soon as my period starts (if I wait the pills won't take any effect) and be very active (yes, it helps, and isn't as bad as it sounds) OR lie down all day, if I can. So, extremities :)
I have to take pain killers first thing in the morning, before beakfast even. Last time I forgot taking them, it was a damn busy day, I even forgot I hadn't taken my pills. :P It might also have to do with one's mental state too. I guess it affects worse when you're down :/
I do sympathize, of course. Best coping advice: avoid caffeine, get enough sleep (warm kitty on lap is helpful,) warm showers/baths &/or hot packs n stomach or lower back. Exercise helps a lot, especially beforehand as a preventive measure. Lots of fluid helps avoid constipation. Listen to your body and feed it what it wants; don't eat if you don't want to.
And, frankly, a really helpful treatment for cramping as well as headache is (honestly) an orgasm.
Aaah, yes, hot packs are good. Will try them tonight. I hope I can have a peaceful night's sleep with them.
helpful treatment for cramping as well as headache is (honestly) an orgasm.
Yeah, that's a fact. *nods* I wish that works on lower back soreness too. But guess for that, I must do wome work out intead of being a couch potato :B
Thanks for the advise!
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