Title: Wake up, Changmin
Pairings: Jaejoong and Yunho in an existing relationship, Yunho having a crush on Changmin, Jaejoong teasing Changmin
Rating: *shrug* R-ish?
Warnings: Language, Semi-Violence, Some Molesting, Alternate Universe
Summary: UHH It's really hard not to make this sound corny. Probably because it is. The members of DBSK are a group of vampire hunters. But one by one, Jaejoong - Yunho - Yoochun - and Junsu have been turned into vampires. That leaves... !!!
Genre: ... Not meant to be taken incredibly seriously. But it's not crack either. IDK...
Chapters So Far:
Teaser Author's Notes:
The characters in this story are creations of mine and are only based on the members of DBSK. They do not necessarily portray how I perceive the actual members.
This story is heavily based on a roleplay between me and someone who wishes to remain unnamed at this time~. Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Yunho are heavily based on that person's muses.
this post for an understanding of vampires in this universe.
Someone is trying to wake me up, and I have a feeling it's one of my hyungs.
"Min-ah.." The voice belongs to Jaejoong.
It's nighttime, hyung.
Why is he trying to get me up?
"need to talk.", I hear him say. Yeah, in the morning, we'll talk...
I turn over and grab my pillow, trying to hide with it. But Jaejoong says "Min-ah~" and his hand touches my shoulder, pushing me onto my back again.
My eyes open and I squint at him. "Hyung?" In my groggy state, he just looks like a blur.
A blur which is getting closer.. and closer...
... A blur which just pecked me on the lips.
The rest isn't from Changmin's P.O.V. Though it probably should have been, because then all the "Hes" would have been less awkward.. uhh anyway.
Chapter 1?