Title: Transcendency Pairing: OT5, Matsumiya Genre: AU, Angst, Dark Fantasy Disclaimer: Plot is mine, Arashi is not. Unfortunately. Summary: Down the rabbit hole they fell. Author's Note: Part two at the zoo.
Wow this chapter is really thrilling and exciting from the beginning to the end!! I always wanted to see more of this game in detail in the original AiB and im sooo happy u did it!!! The fun facts about each animal are also really educational and interesting!! Love love it ^^ aiba chan is amazing for remembering all those fun facts about the animals :O he's like david attenborough!! The chapter feels kind of like david attenborough x AiB kinda crossover XD while being chased by the deadly animals, its funny to imagine aiba chan's voiceover stating off the animal's traits and behaviours. Although its still really intense and exhilirating and downright terrifying
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