"Gebt das Hanf frei!"

Aug 03, 2019 14:26

Ein klein wenig merkt man, dass eine Komplettlegalisierung von Hanf der Konsumgüterindustrie sehr in den Kram passen würde ( Read more... )

deutsch, life, reform, gesundheit, food, politik, devil in disguise, controversial, economy, system, journalism

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Comments 6

onb2017 August 4 2019, 15:03:41 UTC
Oh really? They found another miracle product that is cheap and "organic. As usual very little research is done and then it is too late but they will just pay some settlements and count profit. Thanks, it is actually interesting. Is it like a new cellulose, that they put pretty much everywhere?


matrixmann August 4 2019, 16:25:21 UTC
No, not like that ( ... )


onb2017 August 4 2019, 16:29:02 UTC
I meant seemingly cheap and accessible. Health effects is an extra concern. They used it in the Soviet Union but for non-edible applications like you described:fiber for clothes and industrial.


matrixmann August 4 2019, 17:09:38 UTC
Cheap and accessbible - oh, I wouldn't bet anything on that in there... In this point, I have no idea about the liabilities.

If speaking about the edible oil, or the tea I've seen, I can tell you it's about in the price class of Styrian pumpkin seed oil. - One of the more expensive ones, but still not the most expensive (well, go try to find anything that beats argan oil in that section... that'll take a bit.)
The tea is also not that cheap, compared to common stuff.
So... well, cheap is definitely something else.
But maybe that is because of the "exotic foods"-bonus currently.
Who knows how that would develop in the long term.


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