Schon gewusst... (Did you know...)

Jun 03, 2017 11:05

...der frühere Amtssitz des Bundespräsidenten, die Villa Hammerschmidt in Bonn, Relikt aus den Zeiten, als es noch zwei deutsche Staaten gab, ist bis heute verbindlicher Zweitsitz des Bundespräsidenten ( Read more... )

bureaucracy, deutsch, networks, reform, politik, system

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Comments 4

onb2017 June 3 2017, 14:02:52 UTC
So, lots of tax-payers money is wasted to have a "democratic president" to have not one but two extravagant buildings? This is how the bourgeois democracy works.


matrixmann June 3 2017, 15:18:42 UTC
This is rather less what I'm pointing at.
Think a level deeper: What happy reunification is that if you still keep yourself reserved a room in the old official buildings? After almost 30 years?
Somebody afraid of some special scenario?


onb2017 June 3 2017, 15:21:33 UTC
It is more like they are going to break apart again.Although, unlikely.


matrixmann June 3 2017, 15:42:42 UTC
That's just what I mean. "Safe deal" is something different...
Personally I don't hope for anything like this, but, as you see the hints I'm scattering otherwise to the real state of things, I say this can't go on forever. It can't go on forever that former GDR papers get treated like invalid, non-existent, of living people who couldn't choose where to be born, it can't go on forever that openly voiced hatespeech against people from the East gets treated like tiviality or some sort of "good manner" to do, it can't go on forever the cover-up of history, what happened during the turnaround times, that people from East were being kept from saving their factories through becoming businessmen on their own with it, and it can't go on forever calling the GDR-state an "Unrechtsstaat" (transl. like: "criminal state") repeating the mantra while it's actually been West Germany keeping silent over their Nazi crimes, people from that circles making careers again in state positions and their unofficial collaborators in all crime scenes being ( ... )


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