Thor needs no sleep, really, which has left him hours upon hours to consider scenarios - what Avengers may be compromised, what Avengers, even if they learn the truth, and aren't mind controlled, could be paralyzed by SHIELD in one way or another - Fury has a lot of debts floating out there, and even if he's not behind this, the people who are can act as though with his voice
( ... )
He considers the question, finally answering, with a small frown. "We hath worked well enow together in the past, but wert not teammates for long, before she departed for the west coast. I know Hawkeye far better. Why?"
"I... spoke to her once. She said she could get me in touch with a scientist she knows who has experience with Ultron. She seemed trustworthy... and she didn't try to bring me in even though I was an underage hero... but she used to work for SHIELD."
He sighs. "I just don't know who to trust anymore, Thor. Who are the good guys?"
Thor shakes his head. "Tis a difficult matter to say. Any other time, I wouldst trust Captain America... indeed, I wouldst, and hath, followed him to and through the very gates of hells untold... but now... I knowst not if the Avengers hath been duped, mind controlled in part or whole, or hath had their obligations to SHIELD held o'er them. For now, I wouldst counsel trusting thine own, and mayhap those who find themselves in the same situation as thy lot... until we knowst more, other allies mayst be difficult to find."
He sighs. "That's just it, though. Thor... Ultron put programming in me. I don't know that I can trust myself. I thought I got it all... but I can't be sure."
He sits on the couch and rubs his hands across his face. "And these clothes I'm wearing? I found the sweatpants in a garbage bin. All my other clothes were what I was wearing when we were chased off by SHIELD. I need new clothes, but I can't afford any... which just leaves stealing them, which I'll do if I have to, but..." He sighs again. "It just seems like all of this has just made bad guys out of everyone."
Thor nods once. "Aye, and if time comes that it turns out thou didst not, then it shalt be dealt with then. There ist always threats, always unknowns. E'en Thor hath succumbed to the warrior madness at times. Today though, thou'rt a hero, defending thine own, so today, thou must do as feels right to thee. As to new clothes, when this is o'er, I shalt see to at least slightly better equipping the lot of thee. And as for this... we shalt yet get to the bottom of't."
"We're not looking for handouts," Victor puts in, a little defensively. "So you think... I shouldn't try contacting Mockingbird? She gave me a number to reach her... and bought me lunch, and admitted that the law said she should bring me in, but she didn't. She seemed trustworthy."
Thor smiles slightly and shakes his head. "Tis no handout, my friend. I see great potential in thee and thy teammates, tis unseemly that thou must steal to live. Consider it an investment in thy futures, albeit a small one, and it canst be repaid by showing thy bravery as heroes in the times to come." he answers calmly.
"As for Mockingbird... truth, it depends on what we determine the source of the Avengers' recent actions. Mayhap she ist trustworthy, mayhap she ist not, mayhap e'en if she ist, she ist being spied upon."
He nods once. "I hath a few ideas. Dr. Hank Pym knows more of Ultron than anyone alive. The Black Panther hast also studied the robot a good deal. But likely she refers to Pym."
That draws a hint of amusement. "Aye, and he hast been a longtime ally and scientific adviser to the Avengers. But I knowst not where he stands in current events."
"No one here can know. But... I might be able to get us some additional help, or at the very least, I could make sure I'm not dangerous to us all. But if they're lying... if it's a trap... I could use some backup."
" be honest, Thor, I don't know." He sighs. "How well do you know Mockingbird?"
He knows he can trust Thor, at least. If you can't trust Thor... who the hell can you trust?
He sighs. "I just don't know who to trust anymore, Thor. Who are the good guys?"
He sits on the couch and rubs his hands across his face. "And these clothes I'm wearing? I found the sweatpants in a garbage bin. All my other clothes were what I was wearing when we were chased off by SHIELD. I need new clothes, but I can't afford any... which just leaves stealing them, which I'll do if I have to, but..." He sighs again. "It just seems like all of this has just made bad guys out of everyone."
"As for Mockingbird... truth, it depends on what we determine the source of the Avengers' recent actions. Mayhap she ist trustworthy, mayhap she ist not, mayhap e'en if she ist, she ist being spied upon."
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