Please apply here
In order to participate, you have to apply here
1) make sure you read the rules in our
profile2) if you don't want to participate, watch the community instead. No applying for that needed.
3) introduce yourself: what's your name, where do you post your graphics, how long are you in iconmaking. We just want to know a bit about each user, and 99% we'll have a look of your other graphics/icons
4) provide 10-15 examples of your latest icons any-themed: fandom, stock, celebrities etc.
5) We provide the reasons of accepting or rejecting. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the same thread your application is.
6) If you're rejected, please don't be upset or take it personally. We just want the best icons and makers to participate here, showing good quality, creativity etc. You can try again when you feel improved and when at least 1 month passed.
7) Make the subject of your post "neverending story" so the mod could know that you'd read the rules.
8) You have to be approved by
capelle to start participating.
9) If you came here by an invite, you don't have to apply. If we sent you an invite we think you're really cool maker, so just start participating.
10) old comments will be deleted from time to time.