May 14, 2010 15:06
leave your logic at the door,
harry potter,
epic geekery,
tonight we fangirl in hell,
reborn (the series),
byakuran is a dick,
star wars
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Comments 31
I have to agree! 8'D Though the new twist could also make for some angst..owo
Sorry for randomly reading the comments above, but I think it still makes sense for why Gokupapa let Bianchi poison him. My theory is that after Gokumama died of disease or whatever and fell off that cliff, Gokupapa was obviously devastated and started gradually hating Gokudera since Gokudera would remind him of Gokumama. And thus he lets Bianchi poison him and doesn't stop him when he runs away. After all, it says, "You were born into this world, loved by both of your parents." instead of "You were loved by both of your parents." Therefore we can safely assume that his parents loved him when he was born, but not necessarily after. /end theory
OAO? Other fandoms are really bad with the pairing wars? Reborn!'s my first fandom ever so I totally didn't know that |D
And yeah, there are a lot of fandoms where the shipping wars can get really intense. Bleach fandom is divided between people who ship Ichigo with Orhime and people who ship him with Rukia; Naruto fandom used to be (dunno if it still is) incredibly wanky about all of the Team 7 pairings, Harry Potter fandom is still divided between Harry/Hermione and Ron/Hermione shippers even though the series has ended, and so on. Just as an example, I dunno if you've ever been to fandomsecrets, but it's a rare day that doesn't see some kind of pairing drama-related secret over there ( ... )
Ohh...sounds pretty bad. oAolll I'm glad I started off with KHR then...orz The mods do seem to do a good job, I think a couple weeks ago there was some drama, and they posted something about it immediately afterward. I don't know enough about other fandoms to try to gauge whether the fans are more easygoing or something though. |D
W-What's an anon meme? /ignorant orz
The mods here are definitely awesome; they never let things get out of hand, but they're still fair. I've been a mod at a few places in the past, and I know how hard it is to strike that balance. They're a big reason why the hitman_reborn community is so successful, I think.
And an anon meme is where somebody creates a post specifically for people to post random things without signing in. They can be fun if they don't get out of control, but unfortunately (and unsurprisingly), they tend to attract a lot of trolls who swoop in to bash characters and pairings and even certain fans. Here's a link to one of the KHR ones; that's a pretty good example.
Looking fine in a suit is the reason why he could be a mafioso in real life? Sorry, but that's just super cliché :I
And I also have to disagree with you on Coyote *lol* Old men don't have this much hair anymore; rather half-bald heads.
Though IIRC, Gamma was more mafioso than most of the characters in this series. Especially in his flashback chapters. The merge between the Gesso and Giglio Nero seemed more mafiaish in its politics than most of KHR's plotlines, at least until the whole brainwashing thing came into play. XD
And I've known some old men who still had plenty of hair well into their seventies and even their eighties, so it's possible. Especially when you're as manly as Coyote Fucking Nougat.
Xanxus shooting Kikyo in the head isn't mafia-like? :I
He also does look quite Italian unlike some other characters.
"And I've known some old men who still had plenty of hair well into their seventies and even their eighties, so it's possible. Especially when you're as manly as Coyote Fucking Nougat."
Super old guys with thick hair? *lol* I've yet to see them.
Super old guys with thick hair? *lol* I've yet to see them.
Or we can at least agree that there is always the possibility of wigs? XD
Now that you mention it, it did seem like there was a bit of lampshading that came into play. They basically acknowledged that they were just sitting around doing nothing while the boys did all the cool stuff, and then Bianchi jumped in with that completely awkward rationalization of it... orz.
TBH, I haven't been keeping up with the manga in such a long time that I kinda skimmed this to prevent myself from seeing spoilers. But who am I kidding? I clicked on the link to the end of the Future Arc. Thankfully it was still cryptic to me, but it made my heart hurt just a little.
And lol @ the unintentionally hilarious faces. I was surprised you didn't include Yamamoto's face when his eyes were two dots. I'm pretty sure that happened once or twice within the first 100 chapters. That face was awesome. XDD
Heh, I hope you get inspired/have a chance to catch up pretty soon; the end of the last arc was kinda meh, but this new arc has been awesome so far (or at least I'm loving it, anyway XD). But that very last page of the Future Arc does make me ;_; every time. In a good way.
I know the Yama face you're talking about and IT IS AMAZING, but I figured that probably wouldn't have fallen into the category of unintentional hilarity, so I let it be. If the 'unintentional' criteria hadn't been there, this would have been an entirely different list. (This would have been my number one. XD)
Ohhhhhh, unintentional hilarity. I see your point. And it is valid. And I can't read.
I love those faces. XDDD
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