Title: The Unusual, Exceptional, and Statistically Remarkable Hermione Granger, Age 21
Summary: Hermione assesses her life on the morning of her twenty-first birthday.
Characters: Hermione-centric gen, background Hermione/Pansy
Word count: 3,000
Rating: PG
Notes: Belated birthday fic for the lovely
liseuse, loosely based on her fictional universe. Give
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Comments 81
Even more disturbingly, it stated that only an estimated 1.2% of the British population was homosexual (female), which meant that the chances of her being a lesbian were quite small.
I giggled out loud at that. :) You made me fall in love with all of these characters - really wonderful story.
i like this tsory a lot; i'm especially fond of her notebooks and lists and the weekend spent thinking logically.
well done!
On another note entirely, would you mind if I friended you?
Eventually she had to tell her parents, which she did over the telephone, because she figured she had shown so much courage in the last battle with Voldemort that she was entitled to take the easy way out for a few years. ("Gryffindor" being a description of someone's bravery over a lifetime and not necessarily a challenge to do foolhardy things at every opportunity.) -- hee hee, indeed.
Draco/Neville! Mwah!
Ginny's parents were still mourning the deaths of two sons. (Funny how easy it was to say that these days, "the deaths of two sons," as if those two sons didn't have names and they weren't talking about Ron and Percy.) -- I love this.
Pansy was learning quickly to be suspicious of lists Hermione made in her free time. - *snicker*
Really well done, I love how Hermione has grown in to herself, after Hogwarts.
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