I have only just read Four Dragons because The Power Behind The Throne
killed my mojo for the novels dead. It undoubtedly starts off with Jack & Daniel at each other's throats (as per your usual early season 7 slash fic :P). Asshat!Jack comes into play as he tends to do in the later novels so I was a tad worried that this one would follow suit with
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Jack was OOC for the first part of the book yes, that's what irritated me and made me wonder if this book would go down that same path of not being able to distinguish between someone being authoritative and a jackass. It wasn't until Sam took command and he and Sam had that lovely scene in the ship's bathroom (of all places!) that he finally 'dropped the act'. I do adore the Jack & Sam friendship when written like this.
I liked Sacrifice Moon for the early team goodness, even though it was a bit of a bloodbath. :P Barque was excellent and Hydra had a few mistakes, but all in all wasn't bad. :)
I read Four Dragons and mostly liked it. I did think the licence given to Huang by the SGC went a bit beyond credibility. I suspected the same about Skaara, so that would be nice if he turns up in the sequel. Would have liked Daniel a bit more proactive, too.
((Thanks for the kind comments, btw.)) Sacrifice Moon rocks!
:::scurries off to order copy of mine own::::
I have just received Sunrise in the post (though I have also ordered Transitions and it was supposed to come with it) so I am deciding between that and Homecoming, the first of the 6 novels that finish off the Atlantis storyline after Enemy At The Gate.
My disappointment in ROSWELL is enough to put me off most of Fandy's offerings.
Children. CHILDREN. Children being put in the way of semi-automatic weapons fire. That shit would NEVER make it to broadcast TV. Or even a straight-to-DVD movie. :P I'd rather read pages of poorly-written smut than half a page of violence towards children.
Sacrafice Moon was my favorite so far....
Now, Fandemonium are only employing professional authors and are after more male authors which I can only imagine is an attempt to get more boys/men reading the SG novels. problem is, these professional authors have not seen the show and do not know the characters as well as those of us who have been in the fandom for years. This all accumulates into massive fuck ups like The power Behind The Throne.
Valhalla wasn't too bad, though it did feel like they just tacked Jonas in there for the hell of having him in one of the novels.
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