Friends only, peeps.

May 17, 2020 13:45

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bear ambulance, pictures, public

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Comments 14

ztrooper May 17 2007, 18:07:50 UTC
Well, here goes... no, we haven't met in real life, but I read CyanideTablet and Mzwyndi's LJ, and I have met Mzwyndi iRL, and I found your journal via your comments. I liked what I saw, so I thought I'd stick around a while. Would like to be added, but if you decide not to, that's ok. 8)



bellarossa May 17 2007, 18:12:06 UTC
That's awesome!


magicfuzzball May 18 2007, 20:42:03 UTC
thx! how are you, darlin? heard from andre lately? i was thinking about the two of you the other day.


tink_loves_bell May 17 2007, 18:32:11 UTC
That's supa cute! Partying tonight and tomorrow, yes?


medancer May 17 2007, 19:04:48 UTC

A fun.





magicfuzzball May 18 2007, 20:42:30 UTC
hehehehe thanks :)


fairfignewton May 17 2007, 19:12:33 UTC
Well, I don't know you in real life, I guess. (which seems to me to be a shame, but thus is life.) I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about your escapades and seeing all of your lovely work (which I intend to buy some prints--I just need to finally settle on just a few as I only have limited resources this far in life). However, if you decide to unfriend me, I'll keep your photo journal friended and move on, I guess.


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