Another batch so soon? And of such high quality? What's your secret?
In all seriousness, these are really gorgeous :) I love the lighting on the vampire diaries set, especially 2, 17 and 20. The crops on 11 and 25 is so eye-catching and all the true blood icons are stunning. I especially love 56 and 57. I only recently started getting into True Blood (both the series and the books) but Eric/Sookie all the way!!
Really gorgeous icons. I love your style, the coloring, lighting..everything is perfect! And I'm so jealous of your text skills, I can't do text on an icon it's always horrible it's so gorgeous on yours!
Amazing! I really love #17 and #20 from the Vampire Diaries set, I think the yellow tones in both are beautiful, and they each have this amazing softness happening that is incredible. The crop of #20 is particularly gorgeous! #8 (and it's alts) is incredible. The texture work is amazing, and the text works so well with it. #16 is kind of awesome as well, a gorgeous crop and fantastic use of text again - I love the colour and how it contrasts the b&w. The lighting of #25 is so delicate and gorgeous, the contrast between light and shadow is genius. I love the texture work and composition of #39, and #49 is AMAZING, the composition is so incredible, the silhouette and the blending and the text all work so beautifully together. Gorgeous stuff!
Comments 9
In all seriousness, these are really gorgeous :)
I love the lighting on the vampire diaries set, especially 2, 17 and 20. The crops on 11 and 25 is so eye-catching and all the true blood icons are stunning. I especially love 56 and 57. I only recently started getting into True Blood (both the series and the books) but Eric/Sookie all the way!!
Love the cropping and colouring on them
I love your use of light and text, and the colours are beautiful.
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