
Oct 02, 2005 00:16


Why? Because

A. None of the other mods were even active at all since they got appointed
B. None of the members are active, and
C. Noone really cares anymore anyways.

So let's pronounce this community officially dead, ok?

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Comments 7

naquada October 2 2005, 05:15:28 UTC
There has to be something we can do to bring it back. Does anyone have any ideas???

... )


lola_thatsme October 2 2005, 05:42:18 UTC
I agree with naquada. There's got to be something.

Also, I'm sorry I haven't been to active as a mod, but everytime I comment on your posts offering to help out, you never answer. Wasn't there a post awhile back where the mods left their screen names, so we could make a chatroom discussing stuff to do for the community? I think we should go forward with that idea. Maybe if we all think together we can come up with some good ideas.


ikilledkenny October 2 2005, 05:52:19 UTC
I've never gotten any comments from you offering to help. I'm not trying to say that you're not trying to help or anyhting...I'm just saying I've never actually gotten comments from you.

And that post waaaay back then about meeting on AIM...out of the five mods, only 2 replied. =/

We need to get activities going. This community has never actually done anything. Just have people vote on applications and get accepted.

*sighs* Sorry for the rant. 2am

What days/times are good for you on aim and what is your s/n?


naquada October 2 2005, 09:32:39 UTC
I know I am proably almost too old for this group being in college and all now, but I would like to help bring this group back. I know I am not a mod or anything and I don't have very much freetime being in college but if you want another person on aim to discuss ideas I would be glad to try to help.

AIM: Jsun Campanella

... )


lola_thatsme October 2 2005, 19:53:38 UTC
It's strange that you've never gotten any comments from me because I've commented on at least 2 of your other posts offering my help.

Yeah, I was one of the two mods that replied to that post about AIM. I think my sn's on the info page, but just in case, it's LFHstar89

I'm online almost all the time, so whenever you're on and see me online, feel free to IM to discuss things.


kikaboka October 2 2005, 14:31:25 UTC
You can't kill it, I've only just got here.

The only reason I'm not seemingly active is 'cause I was waiting for others to do things, but nothings happening.

I am more than happy to help the community back into the world of the living.


shazennium October 8 2005, 07:14:10 UTC
Sorry for not being 'active' i've had alot of stuff happening in my personal life to deal with. but i finally got a chance to catch up on things and i agree that we can't let this thing die....

Could we perhaps do something which encourages people to be active? Like i've seen some communities do 'treasure hunts' we could do similar things but have themes such as lucky and people can share things which they themselves personally find lucky or sometihng. Celebrities or something that people find interesting, something to get them to want more people in here. Thats just a suggestion though.

OR maybe we could have a special 'Journal of the month' where say the person who contributes most to the community they're journal gets advertised on the user info page of the community. Something to encourage people to be more active. I don't have aol but i do have msn if anyone wish to chat to me to brain storm new ideas.

Catch up with ya'll soon.

Love shaz xoxo


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