Oh yes, these are really nice! I love the textures and brushes you used. Just taking 10, at the moment. Thanks! :D
I'm so ashamed to ask. But could you tell me how to do the tables, like you used? The codes, or something. I've always wondered how to do them. Please? ^^
Remove all the spaces of course. You can change the number of the cellpadding and cellspacing, and your table will change accordingly. Play around with it.
Again, remove spaces. This code starts a new row. You can change the values, and rename the title "#01- Ichigo". You can have as many rows as you like in between the < tr > and the < /tr >.
Comments 47
The one of little Gaara, sad and alone and clutching his teddy bear...it just breaks my heart. T_T
I'm so ashamed to ask. But could you tell me how to do the tables, like you used? The codes, or something. I've always wondered how to do them. Please? ^^
< br / >< table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="3" align="center" >
Remove all the spaces of course. You can change the number of the cellpadding and cellspacing, and your table will change accordingly. Play around with it.
< tr >
< td width="100" height="26" bgcolor="#929EAC" >< center >< font size="1" >#01 -Ichigo< /font >< /center >< /td >
< /tr >
Again, remove spaces. This code starts a new row. You can change the values, and rename the title "#01- Ichigo". You can have as many rows as you like in between the < tr > and the < /tr >.
< tr >
< td width="100" height="100" bgcolor="#F9F6F1" >< center >< img src="http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c342/phrixing/Bleach%20Icons/Ichigo07.jpg" >< /center >< /td >
< /tr >
This is where you put your image URL so the image will show up. You should have as many rows as you did for the title row.
End the code with
< /table ( ... )
and this should be your result:
#01 -Ichigo
( ... )
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