Apr 21, 2011 17:11
Chapter 10
‘It’s hurt..I’m burning like hell! What happened to me? My body, seems like scattering, broken..Just now it’s cold and now it’s damn burning..and it’s hurt. Someone, help me please!! It’s hurt!’
Jin was fighting over his unconsciousness, trying to survive his life. He doesn’t want to die yet at least. Feeling like a complete idiot when coming surrendered himself to that bastard devil, he doesn’t want to end so pitiful like this. It was stupid.
‘It’s black, can’t see anything. Someone, help me!! Ughh, what now? Can’t breath, am I’m dying now? Everyone, please forgive me..Kazuya..sorry.. I can’t..I can’t breath..something..ughh’
Jin coughed, gasping for breath. His throat hurt so much. But he really need to breath. Holding his throat, he need to calm down and breath..yeah, breath.. Realizing that he was still can move his hand, his mind processing something.
‘Gosh, I’m alive!’
But still, he can’t open his eyes. They’re felt like tones of steel were clamping his eyes together.
‘It’s dark..and smells nice. Wait, did I’m in heaven? No wonder its soft here, and comforting. I guess that I’m dead after all. Huhh, why is it still dark? Heaven supposed to be light..or I’m at hell? Maybe I was a bad guy after all, not being able to protect even single things of person I love. But it smells nice..’
‘Owh, here comes the fairy calling my names’
“Akanishi Jin!!”
‘They must know my full names right’
“Jin, please wake up!!”
‘Huh? They’re calling me my name! Wake up? Didn’t they come to take me away, why told me to wake up?’
“Please open your damn closed eyes, Akanishi!”
‘I thought that they wouldn’t curse like that. It’s not good for human’s example you know..’
“Damn you Akanishi Jin!!”
‘Ehh? That voice was indeed familiar to me right. Yeah, it’s his. It’s so kind for the God to sent fairy with those voices..I love it..Maybe I can be happy after this’
Just then, Jin felt it’s hard to breathe again. Something is covering his mouth, and it was soft. That feeling, it was better than heaven. He knows this feeling. He missed this feeling. It’s lovely. Out of breath, he coughed once again and again and again. He was panting hard when he managed to opened his eyes. And what he saw was the most unexpected thing.
He smiled at the worried face that looking at him, face of the one he loves the most.
‘This must be heaven..I’m dead after all and I was sent to heaven. The fairy must be trying to make me happy with this surprise. No wonder it was Kazuya. But it wasn’t the same right.. Kazuya can’t touch me like this guy does, but it feels so like him. I’m glad that this was heaven’
“This is heaven right”
His voice was hoarse and broken. It’s still hurt to talk, but he didn’t want to upset the fairies. They must been working hard to do this.
‘It’s so felt like him..I miss him..Huh, the guy crying? Did they can be sad too? They’re too kind to be sad..’
“You’re alive! I’m so glad! I searched for your address from the faculty you’re studying and got your friend told me. When I got here, I was so shocked seeing you in front of your own house, lying like you’ve dead!! I don’t know what to do since I thought that it would be useless. But I just try and you looked; now I’m holding you!! Its miracle and I thought that I’m crazy! I’m so happy you know! Don’t ask me why. I found your key and brought you into your house. Sorry if you’re feeling burnt; I’m pouring the hot water when the cold one failed. But you still didn’t open your eyes so I tried to give CPR just now! Thank God you’re still alive!”
The guy was trying to explain everything to Jin.
‘They must be really nice comforting me as if I’m still alive. But I can accept this fate really well. I know I’m dead, thank you...’
Jin just smiled at the guy that was holding him in his lap, looking very relieved. He reached out one of his hand, slightly trembling to feel the curve of that guy’s face. He ran his finger through the hair down the jaw until he reached the guy’s red lips.
‘It was perfectly the same curve as I remembered. Soft and smooth as I ever known. Very perfect as if this was the real Kazuya. How can they make it so real? It’s making me missing him more. I wanted to protect him, but I can’t now that I’m dead. I’m sorry, really sorry. And those lips, I wonder if it would felt the same too?’
“Can I kiss you?”
The guy looked back at Jin, slightly blushing. Maybe doesn’t expect of his sudden asking.
‘Even this guy blushed like him.. Just how perfect this heaven is?’
The guy leaned to Jin as he pulled him closer, closing the distance between them before crashing their lips together. The guy doesn’t seem to push him away. Jin closed his eyes, treasuring the feelings he had with the kiss. It was a soft and lovely kiss.
‘This feeling, so like him. Even the way his lips move against me was the same as I know. It was soft as always..sweet as before..lovely and nice..It is comfortable, and secure.. A place where I belong to.. This feeling.. I know this feeling very well; only one person ever could make me felt like this..’
Jin opened his eyes slowly, breaking the kiss. He looked at the guy with eyes that is full of love and passion.
“It’s really you..”
Miroku was standing outside Jin’s house, lying against the closed door. He stared blankly at the pale blue color of the sky. There’s no cloud at all. He had brought himself and Jin in front of that door earlier. Just when he was about to break the door once again like he had done before, a figure approaching the house making him decided to just left Jin there.
“You did owe me one now, Yamapi..”
He closed his eyes. Doesn’t want to know the reason why he brought Jin’s almost dead body to Jin’s house from the beginning. It was pathetic seeing him helpless like that after he force that guy to drank his blood, a vampire’s blood. Since Jin is a real generation of that great magician, it’s fifty-fifty risk on surviving the blood. But Miroku didn’t think that he really would survive.
By exchanging blood, it’s like transferring into someone new. Since he knows that the payment on the guy name Yabuki Hayato was decided on his soul and body. But when Miroku’s vampire blood interrupts Hayato’s body, it destroyed the wall. His body won’t be the same body as deserved the payment. That is why the contract wouldn’t be working for now.
Maybe Yamapi would be killing him for interrupting but why the hell would he care when he could have the things that he want. The only thing that he would risked on having for since the time he knows about it. The great power of Yabuki was a history that never been repeated. No one ever inherited that power until that boy born with that blood, Yabuki Hayato.
He did have his own respect towards that guy name Yabuki Hayato from the first time he heard of Ryu’s talking about that guy. He admires that power and he wanted it. When Ryu knows about it, he didn’t even hesitate to kill him. He admitted that Ryu was always stronger than him no matter how much he trained himself. But he never saw Ryu as his enemy, until that day they fight.
Ryu was standing in front of him, holding his magic stick. Miroku can read that Ryu has discovered about his research. He was always calm and cool but this time, Miroku swears that he could only see anger and hate at that face.
Ryu was looking at him with those anger eyes; it was much deeper than hatred. As if he was ready to kill him anytime from that seconds.
“Don’t you dare calling my name when you have all that selfish desire in you!”
“What desire?”
“Don’t pretend you don’t know, bastard!”
“Watch your mouth when talking to your brother”
“Hell I care! I don’t want a selfish crazy bastard as my brother”
Miroku took his step closer to Ryu, smirking.
“So, since you know about it, don’t you want to have it too? That great power. You’ll be able to kill even his highness Johnny in a second you know”
“I am not like you”
“Then just let me take him, it’s easy that way”
“Over my dead body, bitch!”
Miroku laughed.
“So, what you want to do? Kill me?”
“If that would make you stop, I’ll never hesitated”
“You know, why did you have to against me for him? You told me before that you love me enough to even hurt me”
“No one would ever love a selfish like you”
Hearing those words from Ryu’s mouth, it stabbed Miroku right through his heart. He knows that Ryu maybe could be blind by his anger that time but it did hurt him. Ryu is the person that he trust so much, a brother that he loves so much to be hate but only with hearing him saying those, Miroku himself covered with anger.
“Then kill me for that”
“My pleasure”
Miroku swung his double sword, getting ready for any sudden attack from the other side. He wasn’t a gifted magician but he is a great swordsman. As if looking down at him, Ryu just smirked at his action which making Miroku’s anger rose more than enough. Miroku take his first attack. Ryu carefully sliding his slim body over the blade of his double silver sword, not hurting him even a bit. Miroku attacked him again and again, swung his swords non-stop. Ryu didn’t reply his attack, instead he just avoided it. Avoiding those attacks was easy for Ryu, as he was dancing over the sharp blades that Miroku holds.
“What’s the matter coward? You didn’t even attack me”
“And you either didn’t even hit me”
Miroku gritted his teeth. He never imagines that this thing would happen. He seriously never thought that he would be fighting Ryu. Did Ryu forget that he was his brother? The one that always take care of Ryu before. He stopped a second, looking at the ground.
“Why did you’re doing this? You’re fighting with your brother the hell you know it, Ryu! For that guy’s sake? You got to be kidding me, Ryu!”
Ryu looked at him, his eyes were determined. He was never hesitating from the beginning.
“I’m not kidding. I will protect him even if I need to kill this selfish guy in front of me. I love him”
Miroku’s mind went blank. He was crushed by the last line Ryu spoke. He lifted his head in anger.
“I will kill you”
This time, Ryu doesn’t hold back. He use his full strength, he was determine to protect Hayato. He knows that Hayato had suffered enough. Remembering how pitiful Hayato was when he first found him drove him really mad when he knows about Miroku’s plan on having Hayato’s power.
That selfish desire can kill Hayato. And he didn’t even have anything else to think instead of killing that guy in front of him right now. Losing his sanity as his mind gone blank, he realizes that Miroku was in his lap, covered with blood all over his body. Miroku was gasping for his life.
Ryu panicked, he doesn’t want to kill Miroku for real even though he did want to. He didn’t even know what he had done seconds before that, he was fully controlled by his anger. And now, holding that body in his lap, he was scared if he was the one that killing him.
“Miroku!! Hold on!!”
Miroku coughed hard, he didn’t have much time anymore. He gripped Ryu’s shirt, gasping for breath. Ryu was holding his hand, which Miroku take that opportunity to wipe some of Ryu’s blood into his palm. Ryu stunned as Miroku make a cross sign with that blood in his palm. It was a curse sign.
“Ryu..I’ll kill ..arkk..you..some..day..”
With those words, Miroku release his last breath. Lying there in Ryu’s lap lifeless, leaving Ryu calling his name and crying for him.
Miroku clenched his fist. He knows that Ryu would never remember it. He knows it. Even though it wasn’t Ryu the one that killed him, it was that guy’s fault after all. He was the one that leading him to that death. That pain of craving for life, he would make Ryu felt that hell!
So he must kill him, no matter how much hatred he need to take, he must kill that brother. That’s the only way he could be approved, the only way to freed himself from his own spells. It was revenge out of hate. Miroku sighed.
‘Isn’t it pain living like this? With that broken promise..’
As he heard a loud moan comes behind the door, Miroku smirked. He surely knows what happen in there. It was clear as a crystal who that figures earlier was even though it was the least Miroku could expect.
His eyes suddenly glimmered with thirst of power and lust. He was the devil one after all. Remembering that he just got things he wanted the most, that strong power he long craved for, he let out an evil grin.
His body was better than ever with that blood he sucked. He could feel the desire all over his body, asking him to use them. And with that magic power he just had, it was his dream come true and for sure he gonna enjoyed that power first. Miroku laughed for himself as he walked away from that house. Killing Ryu can wait. He had times, not like the other. He had another plan to do, a big one.
“Enjoy yourself while you still can..”
Opening the dimension portal to Yamapi’s residence, he stepped inside vanishing into it. He would return to his own country, where his blood had once fallen to the ground. He was coming after the King of Kurogin country, Johnny it is.
P/S: Do you know? I’m stuck in the jungle..Again?! Comments are loved^^
fic: multichapter,
fic:sadistic sacrifices,