
Jan 22, 2015 15:32

Here is my BTVS reading and re-reading list. To keep track as I go...

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reading btvs, btvs, rec

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Comments 9

rebcake January 22 2011, 21:54:47 UTC
OMG. That just makes so much sense! I've been thinking along those lines myself. There's just so much stuff which I invariably want to go back to, and my faulty memory can't handle the load anymore. If I don't do something, I'll end up spamming seeking_spike in my dotage.


louise39 January 28 2011, 18:08:48 UTC
I have to start organizing. Maybe alphabetically by author?


debris4spike January 22 2011, 22:22:03 UTC
Great idea - my Kindle is my Spuffy data base now!!!


louise39 January 28 2011, 18:10:05 UTC
I was thinking of a list - alphabetically by author.


cordykitten January 23 2011, 20:57:13 UTC
I tried to make a list of my ebooks but I failed.. and I'm reading even more fanfic than ebooks. But I can't remember some titles.
Maybe having a list would it make it easier when someone searches a story or is looking for a rec. (I don't care so much about the season the story is about than the story itself.)


louise39 January 28 2011, 18:12:13 UTC
I think I'll start alphabetically by author like yours.


nmcil12 February 15 2011, 17:26:49 UTC
Great Idea - there are so many wonderful works out there - unfortunately, so many of the outstanding early FF works are being lost. I have been sending the works I am reading by gmail - a quick and easy to to keep the links.

You have some of my favorite writers on your list -


louise39 February 15 2011, 20:59:54 UTC
I am trying to re-read some favorites and then I discover others and so on and on.

It is very sad that many older links don't work and newcomers [and re-readers] can't find the stories.

How do you store the fic? I was trying E books in Word but it doesn't work for me.


maidaeda November 3 2011, 19:09:29 UTC
I don’t usually reply to posts but I will in this case.


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