LotS Drabblefic

May 11, 2010 22:39

Title: All the Kings Men
Author: Alsike
Fandom: LotS
Rating: G
Pairing: nothing really...
Word Count: 250
Apologies:  Because Ep 20 just sparked so many possibilities.  And I stole the name from  pirateygoodness 's Poll because the Lord Rahl *would* name a kid Dennichard.

Summary: Because a certain someone is most probably not dead as claimed, Team Seeker take another hiatus from their quest to rescue him.  He is less than impressed.  Whether or not he is evil, is still up for debate.

(First post here, no user tag.)

The boy was small and thin and blonde, his hair falling to his shoulders. He frowned, looking around suspiciously at the group of crazy people that had kidnapped him from his nurses. The crazy woman with long dark hair was smiling at him.

“You’re little Dennichard!”

Dennichard didn’t respond. “This is your mommy, Cara.” She pointed to a blonde woman in a red leather catsuit, leaning against a tree, and looking put upon. “And this is your uncle Richard.” The goofy looking male with the terrible facial hair waved his sword at him. “He really is your uncle,” the woman said, almost surprised at the news herself. “He’s your father’s brother.”

As Dennichard had never met his father, this meant nothing to him, except to make him hope that he didn’t have the goofy-face genes.

“That’s your great-grand uncle Zedd.”

Dennichard was more and more worried about his genes by the second.

“And I’m your auntie Kahlan!”

Dennichard eyed the gathered group suspiciously. “You kidnapped me.”

Kahlan looked hurt.

“We’re your family,” said the goofy looking guy.

“You didn’t have to kill my nurses!”

“They were evil sorceresses,” the one called Cara said flatly. “Can we go now? Now that we have even more baggage to deal with.” She gave Dennichard a very unimpressed glare. Dennichard glared back.

“Oh look!” Kahlan said, almost squeaking. “They have the same darling glare.”

The twin glares of fire were now focused on her, but she still wanted to give them both a hug.

fanfiction: cara/kahlan, user: nike_ravus

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