Empty Hourglasses for elliotsmelliot

Dec 21, 2009 18:21

Title: Empty Hourglasses
Author: primarycolors92
Recipient: elliotsmelliot
Pairing or Characters: Richard, Ben, Eloise, Charles Widmore
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Prompt: Richard, an off island adventure (solo or with Charles, Eloise, Ben and/or Ethan)
Summary: Richard takes care of business in more ways than one.
Author notes: Much speculation below, it might help to have seen all of season 5. Thank you to slybrunette for the beta!

Richard is only half-packed when Ben knocks on his door. He assumes someone, probably Tom, informed Ben of his return last night. Richard quashes his growing annoyance at the insistent knocking. He’s heard it argued that both fear and love are the most intrinsic of human emotions, but he knows better. Richard hasn’t been truly human in a long time, but he has still retained the ability to be annoyed.

“Good morning, Ben.”

“Richard. Good to have you back. May I come in?” Richard forces himself to count to ten: unum, duo, tria, quattuor, quinque, sex, septem-

“Of course. I’m afraid I don’t have much time to talk.” Richard exhales forcibly as Ben follows him into the living room and eyes the half-full suitcase.

“Going somewhere?” Somehow an arched eyebrow from Benjamin Linus is infinitely smugger than anyone else’s. Richard wonders, not for the first time, if it was Ben’s raised eyebrow that pushed Charles past the brink.

“Apparently Jacob takes your concerns about the… fertility issues far more seriously than I do. He’s sending me to do some preliminary research, scout out some promising doctors.”

“Why you?”

“Should I be insulted by that? It seems Jacob values me a fair bit more than you do, Ben.” Richard considers the contents of his suitcase. He probably won’t need another shirt, but superior preparation has helped him out in the past. Although, laundry these days is faster than it used to be.

“I guess it can’t be helped. I’m just upset you’ll miss the funeral.”


“You didn’t know? Fuzzy passed away last night.” Richard’s heart skips- the rabbit- and then his mind catches up to the physiological response. The supercilious bastard doesn’t bother to hide a frighteningly genuine smile. Richard zips up his bag with a feeling of finality.

“No, he didn’t. Goodbye, Ben.”

* * * * *

Richard arrives to the house via taxi. He tips generously out of habit- he used to find some semblance of joy in their faces when they saw how much, but the faces have long since blurred together and that feeling is gone.

She answers the door at his second knock. Richard knows at one glance that this errand is fruitless. She is old- too old- and Richard will never know what that feels like. The deceleration of a dying clock, so far detached from his own reality that he can only view it as machinery.

“Hello, Eloise.”

* * * * *

The noise of an airplane is tremendous, near unimaginable. Richard has studied the physics, the movement of air and metal and of the forces, opposite and opposing. He sees it playing out again on the Island: pushing too hard, moving too fast, putting the flight in peril. The plane cannot fly if the air beneath it moves faster than the air above. God loves you as he loved Jacob.

And Jacob will get his way in the end.

* * * * *

The lovely, young receptionist with the porcelain face directs Richard to take a seat while she leaves a message for Mr. Widmore. The antechamber is full of sleek lines and dangerous corners. The woman sits at a desk of opaque glass wearing an elegant blouse, catering to the whims of Charles Widmore, and Richard cannot reconcile this man who hides behind secretaries and locked doors with the man on horseback Richard knew. Then again, Charles always did love power in any form.

The receptionist acknowledges his existence again, with reverence this time. “Mr. Widmore is waiting for you inside, sir.” Richard stifles a laugh and thanks her as courteously as he can manage.

Charles’ office suits him, in ways Richard finds hard to describe. The man himself stands behind his desk- dark wood for this one- pouring two drinks.

“Richard. I admit this is a surprise. I didn’t know you were off-Island.” Charles is still Charles, whether Richard should be grateful for that or not. Older, obviously, but grey hair and gravitas add to his charm.

“I came to visit Eloise.” Richard allows himself petty satisfaction of seeing Charles’s hands shake, hearing the clink of bottle against glass. “She’s doing well,” Richard lies, “So I’ll spare you the humiliation or asking.”

“Good. I’m glad. Although, I’m surprised she still has anything to do with you.” Charles leans back in his chair and sips his Scotch slowly. Richard ignores the second glass in favor of exploring the office.

“She does her part, just like the rest of us. How’s your daughter doing? Penelope, isn’t it? I don’t see any pictures of her.” Richard watches for a reaction without facing Charles- a skill learned from practice. He’s taken back by the mix of quiet pain, frustration, and anger playing out on the other man’s face.

“Penny’s fine. She’s-” a slight pause- “very happy.”

“Good,” Richard echoes. “I’m glad.”

* * * * *

Richard picks up his package in Cairo. He takes a cab from the airport, isolated from the mirage of security created by the crowd, the basic predictability of humanity. He sees a small child drop her stuffed rabbit and scrunch her face as she starts to bawl, and then the cab turns a corner. Richard wonders idly, flipping through his wallet to pay the cab, if she had time pick it back up, or if she was swept along by her mother’s hand.

Inside the building the heat is less oppressive, the noise distant. A quiet man with dark, smooth eyes hands him the folder. Richard thanks him with a quiet “Shukran” and heads back outside. The exhaustion he feels each time he leaves the Island overwhelms him at once, the price of visiting a dangerous world moving too far too fast.

* * * * *

Before Richard returns, he makes pilgrimage to Tunisia. The journey is no longer necessary, but he comes every time. He goes unrecognized; he knows no one.

* * * * *

Returning home, Richard deposits his bag in his sparsely decorated Dharma bungalow before heading straight to Ben’s house. Alex answers his knock, wearing the air of perpetual irritation that Richard imagines must come from living with Benjamin Linus.

“I’ve got your file. Four names, two in Boston, one in Miami, and one in Norway. The most promising one’s on top.” Richard tosses the file onto the kitchen counter and turns around to leave. He’s given Ben enough to distract him for a few days. Richard has other places to be.

* * * * *

I spoke with Eloise. She refused to return, even on a temporary basis. She’s doing her part to ensure continuity. I doubt she’d come back if you asked her yourself.

Charles would pose the same problems as before. We’re still better off with Ben.

Of course I’ve been keeping an eye on John. Everything that stood in his way before is still there now. He’s too angry, and too desperate. He won’t be able to replace Ben soon enough, if ever.

Bring him here? Well, that would be one way of testing him, but even if he passes that doesn’t mean he’s ready. He’s still-

No, of course not. I’m merely asserting my opinion that John Locke is not ready to replace Ben. Eloise isn’t coming back, we need another-


Are you sure?

I’ll make the arrangements. Anyone else you need on that plane?

lost hohoho 2009: fic

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