the rain may yet wash away sins for paralyzer11

Dec 19, 2009 11:11

Title: the rain may yet wash away sins
Author: angeldylan628
Recipient: paralyzer11
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kate/Juliet
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character death implied
Prompt: Kate/Juliet, slash or gen, "fear"
Summary: For a second, all their sins are forgotten.
Author notes: Written for the sacred_20 prompt, writer’s choice. Lyrics within the story borrowed from Elvis Presley’s “Kentucky Rain.”

Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?
- Abraham Lincoln

It's a fine discovery concerning humanity.

If they lie enough, people can convince others that they are capable of anything. They can give the illusion of change.

In Kate's last moments, she realizes that it was not only her who lived by this creed.


It happens gradually - this thing, unnamed, that grows between them.

As their companions die off - become sacrifices to an ungrateful island, they are left to just survive. To ignore the paralyzing fear that surrounds them from all sides.

Ben leaves, and Richard follows, and they are alone. Alone with ghosts who smirk and jest and are cruel reminders of lives they once lived, lives they threw away.

Their returns are promised, but Juliet does not wait with baited breath. She knows better than to hope for things. They never come to fruition.

That's one thing not named Jack or Sawyer that Kate and her have in common.

They're not expecting happy endings. They won't get one either


It started like this.

The afternoon rains turned into torrential down pour. The dirt started to wash away under their feet. Kate disassembled her tent and hid under the cover of some of the larger trees. Juliet stood in the open with her head tilted to the sky while harsh rain fluttered against skin that was already too pale. And sure enough she was smiling (not smirking - and there is a difference) at the destruction all around her.

Kate remembered something like this from a past life.

"What?" Juliet had said when she caught Kate looking.

Kate just shrugged.

She was always a quiet one.


After that, Juliet begins to watch Kate. It's quiet, calculating stares that linger even when Kate notices them. She looks as though she is putting together a very complicated puzzle - as if each second Kate spends gathering fire wood or cooking dinner is a vital piece to the unanswered question.

Kate tries staring back, in the hopes it will throw Juliet. Nothing seems to unsettle her. One night when Juliet is standing against the porch railing as Kate is raking leaves in the courtyard. They’ve moved back to the little yellow houses, the hope of being rescued by beach all but lost now. Juliet’s eyes are upon her again, and Kate snaps.

"Stop it," Kate demands, but her voice is too quiet to make any real noise. Still, it’s something new - a bridge breeched. Juliet moves closer, entering her space, and Kate's flight or fight response starts to kick in. Her eyes dart around the courtyard looking for exits.

"Coward," Juliet says, locking onto her wrist, slim doctor's fingers hooking around the joint like a shackle.

Kate flinches, but doesn't pull away. Juliet smiles. It's a small victory, ammo for a much larger war.


Kate figures it out before Juliet does.

A few nights later a terrible thunderstorm rolls in. Kate cannot sleep. She is no longer haunted by nightmares. It's something much more unsettling that plagues her mind.

Their houses face off across the courtyard - like queens in a chess match. their kings have already fallen. By the time Kate reaches Juliet's house, she is drenched to the bone. She picks the lock and finds Juliet in bed. Juliet's a light enough sleeper that when she hears footsteps, she wakes, sitting up in bed.

This time it's Kate who stares. There's another flash of lightening and before it even fades Kate is crouched over Juliet, hands demanding and lips pressed firmly against the other woman's. Juliet lies down, pulling Kate with her, wrapping her slender legs around her waist. When they finally break that first bruising kiss, Kate tries hard to pretend she doesn't feel the smirk against her neck as Juliet presses light, fluttering kisses there, each one a mark of defeat.

Thunder crackles over and over, swallowing the sounds they make.

Amidst the violent dark, it all almost passes as something beautiful.


It helps them pass the time.

Before they barely talked. They had little in common. Now they can map each other's bodies with fingers and lips and eyes. It's a commonality that they don't take for granted.

Companionship is something they both find makes the island almost tolerable. It makes the past disappear.

For now.

There will always be an invisible ax dangling over their heads.


It progressed like this.

They spend their days doing separate chores. Juliet gardens and fixes things, while Kate goes into the jungle to hunt and gather. She's less bothered by ghosts. At night they are together. Juliet reads before bed, while Kate listens to old records, her eyes closed like she's committing the lyrics to memory. They exchange glances, little knowing smiles, like this thing between them is a secret to the forces outside this house.

Tonight, Juliet is reading Dante’s Inferno and Kate is listening to Kentucky Rain, mouthing the words that she already knows by heart.

"You know there are two other parts to that book," Kate says offhand.

Juliet looks up from her page, the pair of glasses perched on her nose slipping down. "Yes."

Kate opens her eyes, turning her head so that she can see Juliet. "Never saw what was so fascinating about hell."

Juliet debates her answer. "People want to know what to expect."

"There's nothing to be afraid of," Kate shrugs. "It's just fire."

The illusions draw themselves in Juliet's mind, but she does not respond. There is little fire in Dante's Inferno. Punishment is born of irony there, but then maybe for Kate it would be fire.

"Come here," Juliet whispers and Kate leans up to kiss her. all I know is I want to bring you home, the record whispers in the background.

For a second, all their sins are forgotten.


It changed like this.

The ship appears in the distance, and neither of them can decide whether it's welcome or not. The arm Juliet had slung around Kate's waist, slowly recoils. It's repetition for the island. It's repetition for them.

They can feel the battle lines being drawn. Trust like a flag flies at half staff.


It ended like this.

Ben's hand in hers, pulling her towards a ship. Towards home - something that will be unrecognizable after all these years. It doesn't matter. She still has tunnel vision.

Kate's cold eyes are staring up at her from the sandy bank. Juliet's hands still shakes remembering the press of the pistol against her hand. She did what was necessary - what Ben needed of her. Never trust an Other

If the roles had been reversed, Kate would have done the same. She did

They both call it survival.

"I'll see you in hell," Juliet whispers, and it's not cruelty but a promise. She looks forward to the idea of flames rising all around her.

That could almost pass as home

lost hohoho 2009: fic

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