Re-opening of lost_awards! Week 1 noms start-up...

Jan 15, 2006 00:34


Hello everyone! And welcome back to lost_awards. As many of you know, the old mods of this community gave us the old community. We have/are re-vamping as we speak. We have new graphics, layout, and whatnot.

The info page has been redone also. We have new categories and new names for them. You can check the user info or the category page here for more info; it is under construction at the time, but still can be look at.

I’m not sure how many people know that lost_awards has re-opened, so we need to promote like crazy! If any of you people want to help us promote, comment here.

Also we need banner makers! Anyone, who would like to make banners for each category please comment here or e-mail them to me at either or You will also be credited on the user info page.

To make this community a success and not die as it did in the past, we will need a good amount of entries each week. Read the info for more on nomming.

If you do not know, My name is Amber/firithel_icons. Along with me I have Laura/laura4lad and Anna/banannabelcher. We are your 3 mods, and if you have any questions, be sure to comment on a MOD post.

lost__awards has been closed now that we have this com back. Make sure to READ THE NEW RULES before you post your entries. We will also need a great voting outcome each week so we don’t have tons of ties.

I feel that this community will be back on it’s feet very shortly as we start our first week of nominations!

So with that said, and with that incredible lost episode we all saw last week, let’s get nominations in!

The Hunting Party for this week is EMPTY SPACE: Find an icon with a lot of empty space in it. The icon can have text, just make sure there is mostly empty space and whatnot.



week 1, mod post

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