Title: Want the World to See
lookninjasFandoms: Glee
Pairing/Character(s): Blaine/Kurt
Rating: PG-13 for language
Warnings: Fluff. Some angst. Then more fluff. Lots and lots of fluff. I think this is the same warning I used for my last fic, actually.
Word Count: 1500 or so
Spoilers: Potential spoilers for
Kurt's outfit in episode 2x20
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Comments 74
i am so excited for Kurt in a kilt; i'm pretty sure i physically flailed when the spoiler came out. Chris Colfer will ROCK IT.
you caught that excitement so well with Blaine, but it was kurt's disappointment and embarrassment that really shone (okay, and blaine's smittenness, but smitten!blaine is always my favorite). it's one of the issues in glee that i really like seeing when it appears on the show (and when it's done well): the conception of conventional femininity and masculinity and what it means from both a gender perspective and biological perspective as characters traverse that divide, and the complications that arise socially because they dare (or have no choice) to do so. and you touched upon the topic so well in this fic.
gaaaah, just love ♥ never stop writing, por favor.
(also, i love the fact that the Hudmels were all "YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT" at Blaine. supportive families = THE BESTEST)
NGL, I got kind of pissed off at people saying "But everyone will say Kurt's the girl in the relationship!" Because Kurt Hummel? Does not give a damn about your narrow, prescriptivist gender roles. He'll wear a freaking ballgown if he wants to. And he will look fierce as hell. And he'll still be a man.
And his father will not understand, but he will support him no matter what.
And Blaine will get distracted by Kurt's shoulders and quietly melt into a puddle of goo in the corner.
that i only now just got the entire double meaning behind the "change" conversation
i don't know if that was intentional - definitely seemed intentional - but jfc, you're amazing
Please continue this. :)
If we don't get Blaine's first glimpse of Kurt in his kilt on the show I'm pretending this happened.
Dear Wardrobe - please, please, please have not insisted that CC shave his legs for prom.
Oh God, don't even think it. Unshaven legs with the kilt, please. We've seen his hairy little knees before; it's not like it's shocking.
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