How do you like that for a Gate Decoration?

Jul 27, 2009 16:44

Who: Francis, Rodereich
When: Close to Midnight on a Monday Evening
Where: Rodereich's house, at the front gate
What: Francis and those high school kids are vandalising his gate again

Take that, Rodereich! )

francis badtouches the world, france, captain pedobear strikes again!, status: complete, austria, come to papa~!

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Comments 24

P.S. You are spelling his name wrong. 8D;; notaustralian July 28 2009, 00:06:56 UTC
After his visitors had left, Roderich had gone back to the museum to finish his work. He sure liked to work at odd hours of the day. Once he was done, it was already drawing close to midnight.

He went home then, walking his way. As long as he had his map and his compass, he wasn't about to get lost.

As he was drawing close to his house, he saw a group of shadows moving about his front gate. Before he could get close enough, the shadows were disappearing into the night. Except for one.

Roderich approached slowly even though it was his house. He wasn't built to get into brawls. He stopped a few steps away and turned his eyes on his front gate. So... that was what had been happening.

"Pardon me," he said to the lone man. In the darkness, he couldn't quite tell who it was. "Would you happen to have seen who did this to my gate?"


No I'm not! It's just a different spelling! french_gourmet July 28 2009, 00:28:15 UTC
Francis jumped, head swivelling around to look at the speaker. Ah, he had though Rodereich was already in bed. It seemed he was wrong, however. Crap.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I just came up just as they left." Francis lied smmothly, hoping it would fool Rodereich. "My apologies." He started to back away slowly. Maybe if he got away soon enough, he wouldn't be questioned anymore. The longer he spent with Rodereich, the more likely he was to be discovered, and he did not want that at all. Because then it might lead to police, which would to much bigger problems he did not feel like handling at the moment.


notaustralian July 28 2009, 00:48:23 UTC
Roderich eyed his gate and stifled a sigh. He would have to set aside another day to repaint his gate for... the fourth or fifth time this month. Why did they target him and not anyone else in the neighbor?

"Ah, then," Roderich said as he stepped close. His porch light was on and now that he was finally closer, he couldn't help but think that the man looked very very familiar.

"E-excuse me," he called out, trying to stop the man. "I... I do believe we know each other from somewhere."

He narrowed his eyes as he came closer. That face... that hair... those eyes...

"Y-you are..." Darn, what was his name...? It was at the tip of his tongue. Frank? Francoise? Regardless of the name, Roderich could clearly remember that man.

"You are the person who used to molest me!"


french_gourmet July 28 2009, 00:56:13 UTC
Francis deadpanned. "Well, at least you got the idea right, I suppose. Hello, Rodereich. It has been some time, hasn't it?" The smile on the French man's face was forced. He had really hoped to avoid a confrontation with Rodereich, but oh well.

"I must say, I haven't missed you at all, and as muchas I would like to stay and chat, I have other things I best be doing." Francis continued to back away. "Sorry about the gate, kind of. Not really."

It would be such a pity when Rodereich painted it over again. "You really shouldn't get rid of the students hard work you know. It's very beautiful....and accurate."


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