Pleased to be making your acquaintance.

Oct 04, 2009 22:32

WHO: Natalia and Eduard
WHEN: Sunday evening (October 4)
WHERE: LU dorms
WHAT: He must be exterminated.
RATING: There might be blood. ... okay lol I don't know.

Why must social deviants live at high altitudes, Natalia felt like muttering under breath. The task of ridding Liberty of those hideous fliers took a toll on her, as much as she did not want to admit. No use complaining now - she had gone a ways up the building, knocking out a jock and a naked man (shameless) along the way in fear of being seen. There were certain things she was better off not seeing; fortunately, she had given said things a good kick with her heels before they mentally scarred her any further. Unfortunately, she had torn her dress and lost her right shoe. No matter. It was no ordeal for Natalia who was used to climbing trees for her brother's lost things and scaling back up walls where cruel children pushed her off when she was younger. Events like this were expected.

Pulling herself up the balcony of Eduard's room, she eyed her victim as a predator would its prey. There he was, Eduard Von Bock, resting peacefully with a book in his hands. He was alone. Good. Very good. His... partner will not be pleased when he finds him otherwise, which Natalia is set to accomplish.

Eduard turned his head to the window - did he notice? блядь. Natalia placed a steady foot on the railings and pulled herself up to an empty room on the next floor, leaving nothing but a glimpse of silver hair for him to see. Noise in the halls of the dormitory soon died out as she emerged from the room, looked to her left, right, walked down the corridor, down the stairs and to Eduard's room. Her eyes flared and seemed to turn blood red. Natalia will show up at his doorstep. Natalia always kept her word.

Knock, knock.

estonia, status: complete, belarus, you won't like me when i'm angry

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