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klengebrudder July 13 2011, 20:23:07 UTC
Trying to suppress a yawn, Heike slowly made his way through the crowd of fellow passengers and busy bodies, trying his hardest not to have his suitcase banged out of his hand for the umpteenth time. Silently he cursed the airplane company for over booking the flight and forcing him to wait for another. Well, at least they hadn't placed his luggage on the plane when they decided to change his flight and everything was still accounted for.

Customs was tedious, though that might of had something to do with Heike's inability to stick to one language as he spoke to the woman. It took him a good five or ten minutes to realize (roughly after he had called her a Dabo) that he was doing that though ( ... )


talks_to_nisse July 17 2011, 20:15:43 UTC
"And you continued it," Sindre agreed. "Like a child. So that's what I'm going to treat you like."

Swearing as he switched lanes to avoid a car intent on cutting him off, he nodded. "It'll take a little under half an hour to get back," he told Heike. "So nap if you want."


klengebrudder July 17 2011, 21:44:14 UTC
"Do not need a nap." Heike protested weakly even as his head drooped once more. For a good five minutes his head bobbled as he desperately fought the urge to sleep, even giving Wilm's seat a half hearted kick. By six minutes he was out, mumbling in a mishmash of languages, mostly Luxembourgish and French, in his sleep.


oranje_windmill July 17 2011, 22:04:10 UTC
Willem looked in the rear view mirror when the mumbling started, and grinned softly.

"I can't believe our parents got him the apartment next to mine."

He shook his head.

"We haven't lived that closely together since we were kids."


talks_to_nisse July 17 2011, 22:40:04 UTC
"I'm surprised it was open. It seems almost too serendipitous that they were able to get it for him," Sindre replied.

He thought back to when Valdi first came to live with him, how glad he was. "It must be good to have him near again."


oranje_windmill July 17 2011, 23:05:08 UTC
Willem smiled softly.

"It will."

He looked out the window at the scenery passing by.

"He used to go to this school in Luxemburg for most of the year, so I haven't see a lot of him in recent years. But his room was right next door so until I moved into my own place he would come bug me every day during the summer."


talks_to_nisse July 17 2011, 23:39:24 UTC
"He stop bugging you after you moved?" Sindre asked. "Or did he just stop doing it every day?"


oranje_windmill July 18 2011, 01:29:51 UTC
Willem snorted in amusement. He looked back at his brother through the mirror, and his smile softened a bit.

"Is it odd to feel old when your youngest sibling goes to uni?"


talks_to_nisse July 18 2011, 01:43:50 UTC
Sindre shrugged a bit. "In theory, yes," he told Wilm. "But since I didn't meet Valdi until he was going into uni...I can't say I really felt it. But a good deal of my friends from uni have expressed that sentiment."


klengebrudder July 19 2011, 19:50:48 UTC
" Ik ben wakker!"

Heike blinked as he sat up straight again, glancing around before sitting back as if he hadn't nodded off. "Almost there?" He asked, trying to twist his hair round his finger as casually as possible.


oranje_windmill July 19 2011, 20:37:30 UTC
"Uiteraard bent u." Willem replied. He looked back in the mirror to see his brother twisting hair around his finger, and felt a wave of nostalgia at the sight.

Facing forward again, he pointed the building in front of him.

"We're on the forth floor."


klengebrudder July 19 2011, 21:51:27 UTC
Leaning forward, Heike admired at the apartments. "They look okay...are they big on the inside?" It was pretty hard to judge for sure from here but it did look tightly packed.

Humming, he rubbed his foot, only a dull ache from his earlier kick. "I hope it has a lift."


talks_to_nisse July 19 2011, 22:04:26 UTC
"Nei," Sindre replied, straight-faced. "You have to walk all the way up, every day. Uphill both ways."

Pulling into a spot out front, Sindre dug in his pocket for change for the meter. "Here we are."


oranje_windmill July 19 2011, 23:18:12 UTC
Willem smirked slightly as he got out on his side, letting his brother out before going towards the truck bed to retrieve the luggage.

"It does. And the apartments are nice, especially for the price."

He set both bags on the ground, then turned to his brother.

"Do you have the key?"


klengebrudder July 19 2011, 23:57:12 UTC
The key?

He stuck his hand in one jean pocket, then the other, followed by the back pockets. Next was the jacket pockets including that awkwardly placed inside one. "Its...ahh..." He paused, hand still inside his jacket as he thought. "Travel bag, it's in there." He declared, grabbing the bag and pulling the key out before his brother could get a proper look at the rest of it's contents.

He looked back at Wilm, tilting his head innocently. "U zult mijn bagage nemen aangezien er geen lift is, ja?


talks_to_nisse July 20 2011, 00:14:18 UTC
Sindre didn't know much Dutch, but he could pick out "bagage" and "lift", and he knew what that look meant when directed toward an older sibling. Smirking, he stepped away from the truck and held the door, leaving the brothers to work it out themselves.


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